Leave her alone

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Seeing as it was lunch hour and I spent the whole week having lunch with just Emma outside, I thought it was a good opportunity for us to eat with my group of friends. After all, if Emma was going to be my girlfriend at some point, I wanted my friends to get along with her -even if they were oblivious to my real relationship with Emma.

I knew they were going to find out somehow at some point if I didn't tell them the truth about my sexuality, but I was trying to push the event as far as possible. Telling my friends I'm a lesbian isn't really a walk on the park and I had enough things to worry about in the moment -like my death line. Thinking about it sent chills through my body.

I had April, Eli, Abby and Emma but that didn't mean Blair, Nathan and Jason would accept me. Maybe I was acting like it was the end of the world, but for me it was pretty important because they were really important people in my life. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to lose them.

"You think your friends like me?" Emma asked. It seemed like every single one of our conversation started with one of her questions, to be honest.

"Yeah, of course they do," I glanced at the table as we walked towards it before adding, "At least I think they do. They told me you seem like a nice girl."

Emma let out a sigh. "Okay, that's good right? It's a good start," she said nervously.

I laughed softly. "Of course, it's a good start. They still have to meet you though," I looked at Emma with an amused look on my face. "I don't know what you are so nervous about, they are just my friends."

"Yeah, I know they are your friends, but if," Emma paused and lowered her voice to a whisper because we were a few feet away from my table now, "If the date goes well, and you know... we ever are something more than friends, then I would like them to like me."

Even if she was acting so nervous, Emma always found a way to be very straight forward person about whatever she wanted to talk about. That included our apparently very obvious future relationship.

I didn't know what to say this time; her words caught me completely off of guard. I had to settle down with placing a hand on her shoulder and say the words that would comfort not only Emma but me too, "Don't worry; they are going to accept us."

We reached the table by now and I smiled at my friends before taking a seat beside April, Emma sitting at my other side. "Hey guys, I missed you," I said.

I heard the chorus of hey's and hi's from all of them but Blair's voice was more clear over all the other voices. "We missed you too, Izzy. We haven't seen you a lot lately," she said.

"Yeah, it looks like you are avoiding me baby," Nathan agreed and I made a face at him. Nathan's attempts to flirt with me never get old apparently. Luckily for me, although I couldn't reach to hit him, Abby did it for me.

"Leave her alone Nathan. She obviously doesn't like your hot self," Abby joked, earning a pout from Jason. The whole situation was being completely amusing.

"You are flirting with him and not with me?" Jason asked, pretending to be hurt by Abby's words. Nathan and Jason being best friends during years, along with Abby, were confident enough between them to joke around like that.

"Aww I'm sorry baby, I can't help it, he is so hot," Abby joked again. At this, April and I started laughing out loud when we saw Jason's and Nathan's reactions -her boyfriend fake crying and Nathan grinning from ear to ear, like he was proud of being called 'hot'.

"See?" Nathan turned to Jason, "Your girlfriend totally wants me. Izzy does too. Now I just have to get April and Blair to like me too." He turned to look at April and saw Emma, who was just laughing at the whole conversation. "Don't worry Emma, there's enough love for you too." Nathan winked at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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