the death of Izuku

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Hey everyone! I hope you're going to enjoy this book, I've decided to change my writing style a little so bear with!


{3rd POV}

The thing that Izuku hates the most is silence filled without any sort of humour of joke, want to be on izuku's good side? well that's simple just have the same humour as him, although its not as easy as it seems. Not many people can relate to izuku's experiences however; not everyone can say they have gone through death only to spring back to life as if nothing ever happened.

this is the story when everyone's sweet little cinnamon role, and favourite protagonist becomes reliant on a certain stress relieving medicinal substance. due to this Izuku's hidden psychotic side becomes revealed to his classmates. well let's just say our little green haired teen isn't as innocent as they all thought.

Being numb to almost every emotion from his addiction our sweet protagonist tries almost every method of suicide only to come back to life every time. what else could he do at this point other than make dark jokes about his killing himself? well this should be the time when everyone has gone to find another story, well for the few that are are still reading... welcome you're just as messed up as me so join the club.

still here? wow, marry me please? *cough couch* anyways lets get on with the story shall we?


today we see our favourite little protagonist and secret psychopath walk with a certain pink cheeked girl, chatting happily oblivious to the hardships soon to face them. they arrive and are formally greeted by none other than their class rep and best friend.

the small greenette smiled and returned the greeting seating himself to the usual back row seat beside the iconic hot headed Blonde who is both despised and loved by everyone; there was no grey arear when it came to the certain Pomeranian. Not a lot of time passed until the whole class was met with a very much loved sleep deprived, cat loving man who was father to about 20 or so supernatural disastrous children.

'Poor thing' many would think sympathetically towards the black haired man; however they were very wrong. Shota Aizawa cared for his problem children and would never let any harm be done to them. But even being the amazing hero he is, there was no guarantee that he would be able to protect every one of his students from the darkness behind being a hero.

Just like every human being, people have their limits and he was soon to find out his at a certain attack from a group of villains loved equally by you but hated by them.

"Today we are doing rescue training at the USJ" the tired parent groaned and walked out of the classroom, not giving the chance for any questions to be asked. In all honesty Aizawa couldn't be asked to deal with their shit today; he was already mentally and physically drained from a whole night up from his raging insomnia, dark eye bags being a result of this hardship.

The class of bubble wrapped students strutted happily in their own clicks, chatting away at how fun the USJ would be. Well not many would call watching a friend die and come back to life particularly fun or amusing to whiteness , however they knew not of these future events which have yet to happen.

The buzzing students entered the buss after being forced to sit in allocated places by the iconic robotic Tenya lida.

Our sweet cinnamon role sat next a very distinctive dual haired boy with heterochromatic coloured eyes. The boys usual emotionless poker face softened a little in the arrival of one of the people who he truly respected.

"Hello Midoryia" Shoto greeted monotonously, moving to the side in order to let the green haired teen sit in the window seat "heya Todoroki-kun! Thanks for letting me sit here"

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