Yeet myself off a building

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Get the foreboding in that title ^^^ 😎 also thank you for 11k reads


There he was. An extremely angry sleep deprived cat man. Yes, of course it's our favourite insomniac Shota Aizawa.

"Heyyyy Shotaaa" Izuku teased, gently nudging Keijou off him "don't call me that problem child" Aizawa practically growled through clenched teeth.

Aizawa couldn't believe how much he had worried about his problem child, only for him to turn up UNHARMED, not to mention with a guy.

"Pft don't be like that" Izuku scoffed, glaring at his teacher "it was you're fault I got kidnapped anyways" Izuku continued, referring to their fight at the training camp.

Aizawa paled at this, he knew everyone else blamed him for Izuku's abduction; however he didn't know Izuku himself would blame him also.

"You can't go fucking around with guys when literally EVERY pro is looking for you!" Aizawa raised his voice a little, changing the subject from their previous argument.

"Isn't that a heroes job?" Izuku said bluntly which was like a massive bombshell to Aizawa.

Aizawa cleared his throat awkwardly before staring again "so who the hell is this?" He pointed an accusing finger at Izuku's black haired drug dealer.

Keijou nervously looked away from Aizawa's deadly glare "Izuku is this you're dad you were telling me about?" Keijou poked Izuku in the shoulder, earning a chuckle from the younger.

"Yeah that's him alright" Izuku said, crossing his arms confidently.

Aizawa froze at this.

Did his problem child consider him a father figure?Aizawa couldn't figure out the feeling but it felt nice and warm inside.

However Aizawa obviously had to keep the 'stern teacher' reputation, and suppressed a smile that was trying to creep onto his features.

Aizawa felt happy but he wasn't going to show it.

The teacher groaned deeply, rubbing his temples with his pointer finger and thumb "I have to call Nezu now" he sighed pulling out his phone "DONT go anywhere" Aizawa finished sternly, activating his quirk to scare the two.

"Yeah yeah hobo man" Izuku grinned at Keijou, nudging him on the arm slightly "hey do you have any cigar-"

"DEKUUUUUU!" a booming voice cut Izuku off mid sentence.

I'm sure you can already tell who this was but if you're fucking stupid (like me) I'll tell you anyways. It was Katsuki Bakugou.

Izuku's door almost broke of its hinges as the angry Pomeranian came bursting through the door. He pointed an accusing finger at the stunned protagonist, not yet noticing Keijou.

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU ESCAPE?!" Katsuki screamed, blood vessels practically bursting out of his head.

Honestly 'kacchan' as Izuku calls him, was extremely worried for his friend; he was happy that he was back at UA, this was just his way of showing it. Let's just he's not the best at showing affection, even if he did have a tiny crush on the greenete.

Izuku ignored his former best friend and slung an arm around Keijou's waist; since he was considerably shorter than the black haired male "nice to see you to kacchan meet Keijou"

Izuku mocked the nickname which actually made Bakugou feel a little sad. However the sadness quickly faded as he snapped his head towards the confused Keijou.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Katsuki raged, small explosions coming from his palms as the poor drug dealer stood staring off into space; not even fazed by the yelling at all.

Keijou shrugged his shoulders to piss of the blonde and simply smirked, pulling out a cigarette and giving one to Izuku.

"I'm his dealer of course"

Well what a stupid phrase you're thinking right? Yes, yes it was. There was really no way to cover up the statement or sugar coat it in any way.

So what did Izuku decide to do? I'm sure you can guess that the greenetes way of thinking isn't very sane by now.

So his best option was to obviously chuck himself off a building, I mean... who wouldn't?

"Shit" Izuku mumbled as Aizawa activated his quirk and looked straight at Izuku "what did he say?" The teacher growled; capture gear in hand.

"I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYYY" Izuku screamed at the top of his lungs, jumping out of his open window and beginning his decent.

Halfway to the ground Izuku continued to sing his song "I BELIEVE I CAN TOUCH THE SK-"

Just like that, Izuku died.

Skull split open, and bleeding heavily from his head and chest.

"He's a psychopath" Keijou bluntly stated, leaning over the window ledge to look at Izuku's remains.

Aizawa rubbed his temples harshly while Bakugou was frozen from shock "you don't think I know that?" Aizawa sighed harshly, used to the continuous death by now.

Katsuki was traumatised.

However he wasn't as traumatised as the poor monoma who happened to be casually walking along when Izuku splat right in front of him.

The blonde haired boy just looked at the body for a solid minute before concluding it was his imagination and walking around it.

Honestly monoma wasn't sure if it was a hallucination. But for the sake of his mental health he decided it was.


By now the trio who whitened Izuku's 'death' had gathered around the teen; waiting for him to come back to life.

While they waited Katsuki turned to the unfazed dealer "how are you so calm shitty face" this statement received a glare from Aizawa as Keijou simply smiled.

"He told me about getting run over a couple times, pretty cool quirk to be honest... but he has two doesn't he?" Keijou explained rather bluntly, inhaling a deep breath of nicotine.

"It's like a strength enhancer isn't it?" Keijou continued, fairly confident with his assumption.

Both Bakugou and Aizawa threw each other a meaningful glance before deciding to agree with the ravenette.

Before they could affirm his suspicions, Izuku's body started to shake rather creepily. Instantly all their attention was on the little protagonist as his body shook and skull slowly sewed its bone back together finishing with a fresh layer of skin and hair.

Once his body was finished healing; as usual the boy's torso shot up from the ground and he began screeching.

The trio cringed at the high pitch sound; taking a cautious step back as the screams turned into awful gurgling sounds, as if he were choked on his own blood.

Large amounts of dark clotted liquid emerged from his stained mouth; completely soiling his clothes.

Honestly Izuku looked like a fucking zombie once he had finished the excruciating process.

Many didn't know but Izuku could feel everything from when his body starts moving. bones snapping together, flesh being rebuilt, everything.

Izuku hated the process but there was something strangely relaxing that went with death.

It was calm and peaceful.

Izuku wanted more of that.

Finally the green haired male looked at the others with dead eyes; yet they were filled with emotion at the same time. Perhaps it was... sorrow or regret? But the others would never know this.

"Soooo... nice to see you again, I guess?


Is it just me that's jealous of deku? No.. ok sorry 😀🤚

Anyways I'm logging off bc wattpad blows up my phone in the night. Baiii sleep well (if you do sleep that is)

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