Fake friends

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I'm gunna kms, I was walking out of the shower and I have to go past a flight of stairs to get to my room... guess what? I FELL DOWN THE FEKIN STAIRS AND MY STEP DAD SAW ME NAKEY laying flat on the floor.


{third POV}
The whole of class 1-A stood absolutely still, staring at the bloodied passed out teen laying limp on the common room floor.

No one knew what to make out of the situation at hand, for all they knew Izuku had just been missing for two days; they also didn't know if his body's state was because of him or someone else.

Being the brave one Bakaguo stepped out of the crowd of scared students and went to check the greenetes pulse "fuckers got a pulse, he's not dead" the angry Pomeranian stated rather bluntly.

Several sighs of relief sounded around the room before a deep familiar voice made their breaths hitch in their throats "what's going on here?" Aizawa asked pushing past the horde of students to see what they were all looking at.

The teachers eyes widened half in relief and half in bewilderment at the sight of Izuku; almost instantly the black haired pro could tell Izuku was having a hangover.

"This kid" Aizawa mumbled to himself rubbing his temples once again "SOMEONE GET RECOVERY GIRL GOD DAMMIT" he snapped at the students sending them scattering through the hallways; Iida being the one to run to recovery girls office.

Frustrated but slightly relieved Aizawa bent down to Izuku's laying position and brushed a few strands of matted hair from his face.

He was shocked at how much his face shape had changed over the past week or so; his once plump and prominent freckled cheeks had become more hollow, his freckles barely noticeable; replaced with the harsh cheekbones of the boy. He also looked overall paler along with loosing a substantial amount of weight and muscle mass.

Now concerned Aizawa stroked the hollowed cheek of his student, worried for Izuku's health and mental stability.

However if we're going to be honest here, we all know that Izuku is very much not mentally stable; and that is a fact.

From a distance Aizawa would have looked a tiny bit creepy, staring at his unconscious student while caressing his cheek. But to the Aizawa, he was simply observing him worriedly, no perverted action whatsoever...

Anyways as Aizawa was staring at Izuku, his toxic green eyes snapped open and he inhaled a sharp breath "GAH WHAT THE FUCK" the sleep deprived cat man yelled falling on his ass in surprise.

"Geez you're so fucking loud hobo man" Izuku groaned rubbing his head to ease of the throbbing pain.

After Aizawa recovered his dignity he stood above Izuku as a sign of superiority and glared at the seated greenete who was trying to steady his spinning vision "where the hell were you?" Aizawa hissed in an interrogating tone "let me see if I remember...."

Izuku paused for about 30 seconds before starting again, honestly just to get on Aizawa's nerves.

"first of all I got left at the mall, then I hopped into a spaceship the spaceship then took me to a place called Mars then fucking aliens knocked me out and the spade ship crashed and here I am."

Izuku finished his little story with a smug smile; only earning a low growl of annoyance from the teacher before someone bursted into the room almost breaking the door off its hinges "YOUNG MIDORYIA! ARE YOU OK?!"

all night exclaimed in his skinny form shaking the already delirious Izuku back and forth by the shoulders "I would be if you stop fucking shaking me, I'm not a fan of rollercoasters" almost instantly All Might released Izuku from his grip apologetically "sorry young Midoryia" All might scratched the back of his head nervously as two more people walked into the common room.

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