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Enjoy this image I took of my teacher ^^^^


{third POV~at training camp}
Aizawa stood there dazed, he couldn't fully process the information he was just given. He didn't want to believe it was true.

The teacher hated himself for saying those things to Izuku; it was in the spur of the moment and he wasn't thinking. He began to feel light headed as the image of Izuku's face came to mind.

Crystal like tears ran down the left of his face while his right was streaked with crimson stains. His hair lay messily on his head; eyes hollowed showing little to no light. He missed the previous light that shon in the greenetes eyes, it was somehow so comforting and had a warm feeling to it.

Aizawa hated himself, he couldn't stop thinking that it was his fault. Izuku being taken was his fault. judging stares radiated of his students; their glares practically yelling that he was to blame. He accepted this factor and simply walked away with his own thoughts.

A singular tear rolled down the heroes face as he walked nowhere in particular; it had indeed been awhile since he had cried. It was an odd feeling, he was confused as to wether the feeling was good or bad.

He liked the relief of crying but something felt wrong about it at the same time.

He wiped the tear with the back of his hand and continued walking as the sky slowly brightened up.


{third POV~in the league}
"Shut up he started to shake" shigaraki hissed, wanting to see the process of Izuku coming back to life.

The protagonists body started to shake violently; his broken arms bending into a more natural position as bone slowly sewed itself together. Awful snapping sounds could be heard coming from his ribs fixing them selfs.

In a swift motion the shaking had stopped and his upper body sprung from the ground as Izuku started screaming hysterically throwing up blood like usual.

The villains watched horrified at the scenario, the process did indeed look painful. As much as they were used to blood and gore; this was a whole new level.

Horrifying gurgling noises came from the teens throat as he choked on his own clotted blood, turning into a coughing fit; splattering the blood around the dark room in individual splotches.

All sounds ceased as Izuku stopped choking. There was a tense silence in the dimly lit room seating for his next movement.

As expected the greenetes eyes snapped open m, causing several villains to jump back in horror. His left eye was the same toxic green however his right was completely pale pink and misty.

"Ah shit, I'm fucking blind" was all Izuku said was he stroked a hand over his bow blind eye; the shard of glass had been removed in his revival process.

Izuku looked up at the four villains that were staring down at the boy stunned. They consisted of hand fetish, burnt chicken nugget, bloody buns and of course mamagiri to look after the children.

"You know if you wanted me to come back you could've just texted me" the teen stated plainly, really not giving two fucks about the situation.

"Well... that doesn't matter anymore" Dabi stated, successfully breaking the tension in the room "so what do yer need? Date, fuck, drink, drugs, murder?" Izuku asked counting all the possible options on his fingers.

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