Endless void

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I'm so sorry for this chapter, that's all I'm gunna say


{third POV}
Izuku's lay deathly still upon a hospital bed around the center of Tokyo. He was hooked to several life support machines and his body had already started to heal itself.

The once burnt and charred skin was slowly reconstructing along with his heart and skull forming new cells to close the wounds. However, something was different with this resurrection.

Normally as soon as Izuku's heart started to beat he would wake up screaming. This wasn't the case though. Izuku's heart was beating once again yes, he was also breathing normally; but for some reason he would not wake up.

The steady beep of his heart monitor echoed around the white washed room, sending an uneasy feeling through a skinny All Might who was waiting for the awakening for his successor.

The hero observed his literal 'son' with sympathetic eyes. Izuku's usual plump cheeks were hollowed, lips parted slightly along with heavy dark eye bags making him look eerily similar to Aizawa.

In All Might's opinion, Izuku looked horrible.

He let out a sigh of exasperation and placed his hand over Izuku's. It was awfully bony and unhealthy 'just what happened to young Midoryia?' All Might pondered.

All Might knew that his new quirk had some side effects, but he didn't know it would get this bad.

You see the day Izuku first came back to life his personality was drastically altered. One of the side effects were every time he died, he looses a part of himself in the process; you could say that he was slowly loosing all sanity.

All Might didn't expect it to get this bad though.

Suddenly the hospital room door was almost thrown if it's hinges by a worried mother.

"Izuku! My baby, what happened?" Inko half yelled, rushing over to her skeletal looking son and caressing his cheek. All might dreaded telling her the news.

"We think he might be in a coma, the doctors don't know if he-"

"YOU SAID YOU WOULD LOOK AFTER HIM!" She cut him off, screaming though tears, shoving away the hero from Izuku's bed. She felt betrayed, All Might broke his promise to her.

The blonde looked apologetically towards the distraught woman as she cradled his head in her arms; her own tears soaking his cheeks.

"Mrs Midoryia... I'm so sor" inko rose a finger to hush the male "don't... just leave" she whispered, her voice breaking occasionally.

All Might took one last glance at the duo before exiting the room.


Izuku opened his eyes to a completely white surrounding. He seemed to walk on air as the teen cautiously took several steps forward.

Everything in front of him was white. Everything behind him was white.

Everything. The silence was so loud, Izuku thought he would go mad in the place if he were to stay there any longer. His breathing began to quicken as he panicked to look for a way out.

The teen shifted to a sprint as he frantically searched the plain white surroundings. His limbs began to feel heavy and tired as he neared what looked like glass.

It was the first object in the strange place so Izuku approached it with caution. As he got closer the image of his mother and friends came to view.

His eyes widened as he looked at what the were doing. Everyone crowded around HIS own body.

Katsuki was glaring at anyone who got close while others went up to the boy and held his hand. Some  gave him pressants while half of them even cried.

Izuku panicked. What was he seeing right now? This has to be a dream.

He sped over to the glass and banged his fist on it multiple times, trying desperately to get their attention "GUYS IM HERE! KACCHAN! MUM? anyone..."

Izuku stopped his repeated thrashing on the glass when not a single person in the room moved. They all continued to stair at his unconscious body.

"I'm here... please"  Izuku whispered, tears slipping from his eyes as he sunk to the floor onto his knees.

His bony arms wrapped around himself as he rocked back and forth in a calming motion "no one... no one is coming to save me"

Izuku laid on the barren white floor, watching everyone crowd around his body through blurred vision. Salty tears streamed down his face as he slowly rocked himself to sleep.


The class collectively observed Izuku's figure worriedly. None of them knew when Izuku would wake from his coma; some even expected this to happen.

It was like a boundary of his quirk.

Every quirk had its limits... and maybe this was it?

Would Izuku never wake up?

—————one month later——————

Many people visited the green bean often. Katsuki was one of the most frequent visitors and sometimes Keijou even showed up to have a one sided conversation with the green bean.

Of course he couldn't say how he knew Izuku, so he made up many lies in order to see him.

Bakugou would see Izuku everyday after school. He spent his time simply staring at him. As creepy as it sounds, this was out of love.

The blonde didn't know much about expressing emotions and feeling, but ever since Izuku had been gone he'd been feeling empty and been more irritable.

Katsuki now pushed away everyone in his class; almost blowing a fuse every time someone would approach him or stop him from seeing Izuku at the hospital.

However, Bakugou wasn't the only one that had changed. Todoroki had become even more dull and devoid of all emotion than before; preferring to spend his time alone with his thoughts.

Uraraka didn't have her bubbly personality anymore. She dreaded spending time with her friends and even went days in end without eating a thing.

Aizawa hid his regret through sleeping longer than usual. He would also get very annoyed with his class and occasionally take out his anger in them. Shota even refused to do his patrol from time to time.

Inko had put on more weight and spent most her time in Izuku's room recollecting memories of them together. She wouldn't speak to All Might despite his futile attempts of apologies.

The world seemed to become a whole shade greyer.


Bro I almost died from blood loss the other day... it was trippy not gunna lie 👊😀

Anyways my apologies again 🤧

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