The fight

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Hello my loves! We're continuing on the original story line!

Just a heads up I haven't eaten in like 3 days so my writing will be SHIT (because my vision is fuzzy lmfao)

ANYWAYSSSS!... also look how fucking hawt shiggy is ^^^^


{third POV}
Aizawa slowly cocked his head to the raspy voice coming from his right. Shigaraki stood there with a large Nomu which had several horrifying mutations such as wings and elongated limbs.

There were no other league members in sight so Aizawa concluded them to be hiding somewhere around campus. The teacher was on high alert a Shigaraki let a sinister smile creep across his crackled features.

"Why have you come?" Aizawa questioned, capture gear at the ready. Shigaraki shrugged his shoulders at the question and leaned himself carelessly against a tree "nothing much really... just wanted to cause havoc..."

Shigaraki pushed himself off the tree and removed the hand in his face; showing off his dry, crusty, dusty, musty ass features to the pro "there's also something else, but I'm not giving that away" the villain continued, positioning the severed hand back in place.

'What would they want?' Aizawa briefly wondered to himself, skimming through different ideas as to why the league would attack now of all times. He almost gave up when a sudden realisation came to mind:


Shigaraki cackled loudly and spread his arms triumphantly "YOU GUESSED IT!" He grinned psychotically. Aizawa felt repulsed.

"And what do you intend to do with the boy?" Aizawa forced out though clenched teeth, containing himself for the meantime. The young villain seemed to think for a minute before replying "we're going to brainwash him of course!" He exclaimed, instantly slapping a hand over his mouth (four fingers obviously)

"Shit shit shit shit... YOU SHOULD'NT HAVE HEARD THAT!" Shigaraki raged, cursing himself over and over while starting the incessant tearing at his neck.

"NOMU GET HIM!" Shigaraki screamed, pointing a dry finger towards the underground hero. The winged nomu instantly leaped into action and swept the hero off his feet using his tallons.

Screeching loudly the Nomu took the hero higher and higher into the sky; intending to drop him from a deadly height.

Aizawa struggled uselessly in the creatures grip and couldn't do much in the situation before a certain winged pro saved the day.

Hawks flew at the Nomu incredibly fast and used a large feather to make a tear the Nomu's skin laced wing; releasing Aizawa immediately.

"Your welcomeee~" Hawks cooed, catching the teacher mid air, as the Nomu fell back to the floor screeching in pain.

Aizawa was actually fucking done with shit now. First he's woken up in the middle of the night by villains, next they kill his problem child THREE times and now he has to get saved by Hawks of all people.

The sleep deprived teacher groaned at the taunts and signalled where he wanted to be placed down "I need you to get Izuku to a safe place... and don't be scared by how he looks, he'll come back to life..."

Hawks cocked an eyebrow at the statement "HES FUCKING DEAD?!" The pro yelled, completely freaking out mid air. No one had told the No.3 hero about Izuku's new found quirk yet so he was only slightly unnerved by the news... and even more unsettled at the sight of his body.

"WHAT THE HECK?! HES DEAD!" Hawks panicked, dropping Aizawa to the ground at the sight of the burnt body which was once Izuku.

Luckily Aizawa managed to catch himself by wrapping his capture gear around Hawks' foot "WHAAAAAAHHH" he screamed, not suspecting the sudden weight on his ankle.

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