High as fuck

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I just stubbed my fucking toe, I think I'm gunna die


{third POV~at LOV}
Shigaraki Tomura had a plan. Yes it's our favourite crusty attention whore.

Of corse Shigaraki was indeed a human with a dark past, but that dosent stop him from committing lust filled crimes and cold calculated trickery.

Well now that's exactly what he has in plan for our favourite protagonist..


Izuku woke up in the leagues bar; laying flat on the floor. However there was a singular thin blanket that was placed over him by none other than mamagiri.

Groaning he chucked the blanket onto a nearby seat and went to get himself a glass of water; the bar was quiet and unsettling. An atmosphere he certainly didn't enjoy, as if something bad were to happen in the near future.

Plopping himself down on the sofa he patiently waited for the others to wake up, while he simply sat down and smoked. Izuku always had a lighter on him, so this was indeed quite useful.

Inhaling the calming nicotine and chemicals he relaxed into the seat a little, mind drifting off to his classmates and teacher. Izuku wasn't one to hold a grudge, in all honestly it was to much fucking effort on his behalf. He just couldn't be bothered to be angry.

As a result Izuku had already forgiven his teacher's insults; yes they were harmful and left a pit in his stomach. But he simply couldn't care less anymore.

Eventually kurogiri was first to emerge in the bar, dressed sharply as per usual.

Izuku grinned at the motherly figure, standing up and making his way to sit in a stool by the counter top.

"Morning~" Izuku hummed, a rather melodic sound flooding the before quiet room "good morning Midoryia" kurogiri formally greeted the teen, already set to work on polishing shot glasses.

"Can I have a shot?" The greenete asked politely, snuffing out the remaining embers of his cigarette on his own arm. He wasn't fazed by the pain at all, kurogiri knew this and decided not to question the strange behaviour.

"Don't you think it's a little early to he drinking?" He answered, again like a worried mother.

Izuku smiled. He couldn't help but have a slight respect for the portal villain. Without him the league of villains would simply be nothing. He was their brains, escape, travel, backup and he also helped to keep Shigaraki's emotions in check.

In contrast to eraser head, just being able to erase quirks dosent make you a good teacher.

The psychotic protagonist chuckled at his own realisation, turning his attention back to the suited male "when will the others wake?" To be honest, Izuku had no idea what time it was or how many days he had been here.

It felt like forever but in reality it was only his second day with the villains. In fact Izuku didn't hate the whole charade, however he would never become a villain.

As if on que, a grumpy man child walked down the stairs. Izuku didn't notice this but Kurogiri certainly did, he could tell that shigaraki had something in mind. It was normally his way of acting before he mercilessly killed an innocent.

Squinting his glowing yellow eyes in curiosity, Kurogiri greeted the male before deciding it would be best to leave him to his own crude actions.


By now it was mid day and finally everyone had woken up; the last to be Mr burnt chicken nugget.

"I'm so boreddd~" Izuku wined finishing his second packet of cigarettes that day. Shigaraki was happy, his plan was going perfectly.

Izuku flopped ok his back; resting his head on Dabi's lap. The bark haired male flushed at the contact, averting his eyes to a plain wall uncomfortably.

"Dabiii, Dabiiii, Dabiiiiiiii-" "WHAT?!" Knock off Frankenstein yelled, successfully cutting off Izuku's wines.

Izuku pouted stubbornly, poking Dabi's cheek repeatedly. Holding in his anger through clenched teeth, small flickers of blue flame emerged from the palms of his hands. Certainly not going unnoticed by the cheeky greenete.

Izuku smiled "can you burn me alive?" He casually asked, almost as if the sentence was totally normal.

"You've got serious issues Izuku" Dabi grunted, dismissing the ridiculous question "you don't think I fucking know?" Dabi scoffed and shoved Izuku off his lap; going to the bathroom to take care of you know what.

Shigaraki took this as his chance to take advantage of the teen "Izuku wanna play a game?" Crusty asked with a smirk.

Izuku was always up for a challenge and would never back down, this is why Shigaraki knew his plan was going to work.

In all honesty Shigaraki felt compelled by the boy, almost as if his body language and looks were drawing him in.

In fact he felt a strange obsession over him.

"Sure! What is it?!" Izuku exclaimed happily, skipping over to the villain. The pale blue haired villain picked up Izuku's brown paper bag filled with the drugs and took out the pills.

Izuku looked at him questionably; waiting for his next movements. Smirking to himself Shigaraki placed the pills on the bar counter, crushing them in lines with a spoon.

"Who can finish the most lines first, wins" Izuku's face brightened up at this; even though he was practically already high after the many cigarettes he consumed. Izuku still wanted more.

Almost immediately Izuku agreed to the challenge and started inhaling the chemicals. At first it felt sharp and stung in his nose, but he had done it so often it felt like nothing.

While Izuku was finishing lines of the powder, shigaraki simply pretended to inhale it and was gently pushing it onto the floor.

Dabi raised an eyebrow at this; he had noticed Shigaraki's strange behaviour and this confirmed it had something to do with Izuku.

Soon Izuku had finished about five lines of the powdered pills. Izuku stood up on shaky legs, poking shigaraki's shoulder in conformation that he had won.

Shigrakai hummed in response, a sickly grin on his features.

Our favourite protagonist was extremely delirious and easily controlled in this state; one of his many mistakes. Izuku hadn't thought about why the grumpy man child wanted him to stay in the league but it certainly wasn't for any good actions.

Shigaraki knew of Izuku's addiction and how easily he could be manipulated by it, as a result he used it to make Izuku overly submissive and weak.

Izuku's eyes were red rimmed and half lidded; vision fuzzy as the feelings of euphoria became more and more apparent. He was almost completely oblivious as to what was going on around him.

Smirking Shigaraki snatched Izuku's wrist and began to drag him upstairs..


You guys are gunna hate me next chap 😭🤚

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