Pyscotic best friends

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Soooo um, my step dad found my wattpad...

If you're reading this: HI DAD! I'm gay! Surprise surprise Ik 😅 oh and I have a girlfriend, so there's that as well... also please DO NOT read any of my smutty fanfics, I'm literally begging you.

But if you do, just don't tell mum


Once Izuku had, you know alived himself once again? Aizawa was determined to take the little protagonist to our favourite satanic mouse.

I mean, Izuku did get kidnapped then turn up completely unharmed. Especially after they caught him getting his head chopped off in the cameras. You could probably guess that he would have to meet the hybrid any time soon.

Well that's what they were doing right now.

After the blood was cleared off the floor and Aizawa kicked out Izuku's drug dealer, the angry teacher straightaway dragged the greenete to Nezu's office.

"Do I have to go in?" Izuku questioned with a sigh, wanting to die... but never wake up.    Here's a clue

"Yes" Aizawa stated simply and knocked on the rather large door. A faint 'come in' was heard and Aizawa opened the door and quickly shoved Izuku in.

"UGHHHHH!" Izuku groaned like an angry toddler.

Upon seeing the greenete, Nezu clasped his paws together and let a large grin slip across his animalistic features "Izuku! nice to see you're alive!" Nezu exclaimed sarcastically.

Izuku chuckled with a deadpanned expression "I'm fucking immortal, what do you expect?" Izuku plopped himself down on the seat opposit his principle.

"I must say it's quite impressive to come back to life after getting decapitated" Nezu continued, absolutely shocking the teen.

"How did you know that?" Izuku scowled, eyes narrowed suspiciously "I've been watching you, UA has cameras don't you know?"

For some reason Izuku found this incredibly funny and bursted out into laughter "SOUNDS LIKE FAN-BEHAVIOUR!" Izuku yelled through cackles, slapping the desk repeatedly while gasping.

Nezu sighed but chuckled as well, which obviously caught Izuku off guard "I'm not a stalker Izuku, and I don't admire you like a fan does to a celebrity" Nezu said simply, grinning at the male.

"Whatever" Izuku mumbled, his laughs considerably lowering in volume.

"So... tell me, what's you're favourite method of suicide?" Nezu asked Izuku which defiantly froze him in place.

Before long the protagonist was up on his feet and yelling at his principal "I PERSONALLY ENJOYED WHEN SHIGARAKI DUSTED ME!"

Wow... you're probably thinking. He's so passionate about this, yes. That's the simply answer. Yes he is. Is there any particular reason? No. Not really, no.

Nezu smiled wildly, it was very similar to Izuku's smile right before he killers himself "that's certainly interesting Izuku, how about you're favourite method of torture?"

Nezu was simply spouting these questions like they were normal and Izuku had no hesitation of answering each and every one. All the while Aizawa stood in the corner of the room absolutely terrified.

By the end of their so called 'meeting' they were both sipping tea while discussing different ways of world domination.

Izuku was absolutely ecstatic. Not only had he found someone who was interested in the same shit he was. But he had the same humour as him as well.

Izuku waved dramatically at his new found 'best friend' before exiting the room with a tired sigh "that was fucking awesome" Izuku thought out loud while going to the common room for some food.


Upon seeing the green haired male the kitchen erupted into chaos.

"DEKU-KUN! You're back!" "Midoryia, how did you get back?!" "Izuku?!"

The simply waved them off and shoved a piece of bread in the fucking oven. Yes, the oven.

"Well... where do I start. Kidnapped. Got fucked by Michal Jackson. Had a party with the grim reaper. That's about it"

Everyone stared wide eyed at the boy as he slung an arm over poor Denki who was standing closest to him.

Izuku trailed his pointer finger down the blonde's chest and abs. Denki gasped as Izuku gently kissed his cheek and nibbled his ear. The electric male went bright red as he whispered something inaudible to the rest of them.

"DEKU WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" Katsuki raged, small explosions erupting from the palms of his hands.

You could probably guess by now that 'kacchan' was jealous.

"Nothing that concerns you Bakugou" Izuku hissed his last name, purposefully dismissing the childhood nickname to get on the Pomeranian's nerves.

Katsuki froze at this. Izuku had never called him that. He didn't want to admit it but he enjoyed the name kacchan. It made him feel special.

Izuku grinned at Bakugou's silence and opened the oven. Hot rushed of steam released into the surroundings; practically burning off the greenete's eyelashes.

But did Izuku care? Nope.

"That was hot... JUST LIKE ME!" Izuku cackled, picking up the burning hot piece of burnt bread and shoving it in his mouth.

He walked away from his class mates dramatically. Seating his hips as he began to walk up stairs. Almost everyone watched with lust filled eyes as his rather feminine body moved provocatively.

"Did he just cook a piece of bread... using the oven?"


Yeah Ik this took ages to come out... don't fucking bully me. I've been fucking ✨depressed✨ and my mother threatened to send me to a ✨mental hospital✨

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