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IM BACK BITCHESSSSS ^^^^^ Btw that is the name of Izuku's drug dealer


{third POV~ at LOV}
Golden rays of warm sun peaked through the closed blinds, tickling the small greenete's nose. Feeling a slight itch in his face Izuku's eyes fluttered open; beautiful long eyelashes batting the sleep away.

Sniffling the broccoli boi went to itch his nose but somehow wasn't able to move his arms.

"What the fuck?" Izuku mumbled to himself, waiting for his vision to become less fuzzy. Izuku tried to make out his situation but his thoughts were all scrambled and useless.

In his case he wasn't all that worried, he knew he was in the league's bar still; he just didn't know why he was chained or where abouts he was.

"HELLLOOOO ANYBODY HOME? HAND FETTISH?! FRANKENSTEIN?!" Izuku screamed in hopes of gaining someone's attention.

There was no reply. Deathly silence echoed around the small room, slightly unnerving the green haired teen.

Just as Izuku was about to close his eyes the door slowly creaked open. His head shot up in direction of the door, waiting to see whoever came inside.

To Izuku's surprise it was a certain black haired friend he had met multiple times. Yes you guessed it it's Izuku's fucking drug dealer. (might I add, quite an attractive drug dealer)

This time he wore a black and white hoodie and baggy genes, followed by a black mask covering the lower half of his face. Even though he was mostly hidden, Izuku could remember him quite well.

"Izuku?!" Keijou exclaimed, not expecting to see his customer and love interest chained to a bed where he was requested to drop his supply off

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"Izuku?!" Keijou exclaimed, not expecting to see his customer and love interest chained to a bed where he was requested to drop his supply off.

"HEYY! Long time no see Keijou, how've you been?" Izuku casually asked with a blinding smile, not really paying any mind to his current predicament.

"Izuku you're such a dumbass, how did you get here" the ravenette mumbled through his mask, mentally facepalming at Izuku's situation. The chained boy hummed for a little before speaking up.

"Well if I were to put it in simple terms; I got kidnapped, got drunk with my kidnappers and got my head chopped off while drunk, got high for about the tenth time and I woke up here"

Keijou groaned before scanning the corridor to see if anyone was around. In all honesty, the dealer did have a small soft spot for the greenete. He loved how chaotic and sweet he could be at the same time, and his looks only added to the list of positives.

"Izuku I'm gunna get you out ok?" Keijou whispered, fiddling with the chaines that were attached to his wrists.

"Hey what's you're quirk by the way?" Izuku wondered out loud, his nerdy side taking over momentarily.

"I can change someone's body temperature to the point where they could either freeze or melt"

he stared blandly, focusing more on unchaining Izuku. "WOAHHH that's awesome!" Izuku yelled; rattling the loosening chains "shhh Izuku quieten down" Keijou interjected, worried that someone may see him.

"Sorry" Izuku apologised with a slight chuckle "done let's go quickly" the black haired dealer exclaimed happily, dropping the heavy chains to the bed.

Izuku outstretched his limbs happily "thank you" Izuku whispered with a small wink, his nerdy side vanishing quickly.

Without question Keijou grabbed Izuku's wrist as he was still drowsy and started pulling him silently along corridors, until they were just around the corner from the bar.

Listening intently to the conversation, Izuku concluded that only Shigaraki and Kurogiri were there.

"When's that brat going to wake up?"

"You have to be patient Shigaraki, he did consume a lot of the pills"

"Speaking off, what's taking that guy so long to drop of a bag?!"

Keijou's eyes widened as he realised they were talking about him "so how do we get out of here?" Keijou asked Izuku in hopes he would know a way around the two.

However he was very wrong with thinking that Izuku's plan would be remotely sane.

The greenete's eyes widened with excitement as a rather sadistic smile stretched across his face "just go aling with it" Izuku stated, rising from their hidden space.

Keijou was definitely questioning Izuku's sanity when he walked straight in front of the two and into the bar "SHIGGY!! good morning, I have to say being chained up certainly wasn't ideal; now I'm quite hungry"

Izuku yelled, slinging an arm over the pale blue haired villains shoulder "HOW DID YOU GET OUT?!" The man child yelled, pushing Izuku off him.

"Awe don't be so cold. Kurogiri may I have two tequilas?" Izuku asked casually, planning to give one to his dealer.

Stunned the portal villain did as asked and handed the two classes to Izuku. All the while Keijou watched in absolute awe and admiration.

"Well I best be off now! The drugs ran out so there's really no reason for me to stay" Izuku stated; chucking the empty brown paper bag on the floor.

"KUROGIRI GET HIM!" shigaraki yelled like a spoiled child whom got his toy taken away. Complying to the order Kurogiri opened a portal underneath Izuku.

However our broccoli boi had expected this and already leapt to the side, grabbing a hold of the Keijou's hand; pulling him into the open area.

In a swift movement the green haired teen charged 10% of one for all and easily broke the wall of the bar, leading them directly outside.

"Thanks for having me!" Izuku yelled, walking out hand in hand with a very stunned Keijou.

The villains simply let them leave as they did know how powerful Izuku was.


Walking down the streets Izuku handed a glass of alcohol to his friend "so what were you in the league?" Izuku asked while taking a sip from the glass "I have a deal with them" the ravenette answered simply, not wanting to give anymore information.

Izuku hummed before downing the glass and smashing it to the pavement beside him.

"Hey Keijou look" Izuku poked his friends shoulder, pointing at the smashed glass. The older male raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"That glass is like me. Fucked up" Izuku broke out into strings of deep laughter. Keijou simply ignoring Izuku's antics for he was used to it by now.

In all truth the joke wasn't funny at all. Izuku simply laughed because at this point his humour is so broken no one else was able to understand the smallest of his inside jokes.

The masked male rolled his as Izuku grabbed onto his wrist, dragging somewhere he was unfamiliar with "Izuku, where are we going?" Keijou asked, but he was also unsure wether he wanted to know Izuku's psychotic motives anyways.

"You're gunna meat my dad"


Tell me what you think abt my OC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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