Training camp

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Hi my lovelies! Sorry this took so long to come out :3


{third POV}
Today was beautifully sunny and warm; birds chirped loudly as the streets bustled with People going shopping and enjoying them selfs.

However the aura surrounding a certain green haired protagonist was definitely not sunny or warm.  Izuku's eyes snapped open in the morning, the light peaking through the blinds forcing him to wake up unintentionally.

The normally bright green orbs were now red rimmed and dull; more toxic green than emerald. Slowly waking up Izuku rubbed his throbbing head as his vision slowly stopped spinning, a line of dry blood streaked down his face as he looked at himself in the shattered mirror.

The odd piece of glass sliced his foot as he walked back out of the door chucking on a dark green hoodie and baggy genes; fuck school uniform am I right?

With a groan he closed his dorm room and sluggishly made his way to his first morning class which he was about 10 minutes late for, in all honesty he would do anything not to see his classmates today. However he knew this would get him in more trouble if he were to never turn up.

Lighting a cigarette on his way to class Izuku inhaled the nicotine; basking in the feeling of warmth inside of him as he savoured the last few moments of bliss before opening the classroom door.

All heads snapped towards the teen with a cigarette and home clothes as he shakily waved to the teacher slumping down in his desk "MIDORYIA! WHERE IS YOURE UNIFORM?! NOT TO MENTION YOU SMOKING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS?!" Iida shouted as his face turned red, stomping over to Izuku's desk.

The greenete simply closed his eyes ignoring the robotic teachers pet while still smoking. Growing even angrier Iida snatched the cigarette from Izuku's hand and tossed it out of an open window.

Izuku slowly opened his red rimmed eyes, absolutely death glaring at the class president. His gaze held so much hatred and malice that it forced the blue haired male to take a step back as a cold chill travelled down his spine.

Without a word Izuku stood up from his deck making his way over to the now shuddering Iida

"you think you can fucking throw why shit out of the window and talk about fucking rules when you literally ran off to go kill a bloody villain?" Izuku pushed Iida up against the wall poking his chest with every syllable as he hissed in the face of his classmate.

"Not to mention I bet you're brother didn't even approve of you doing that shit" Izuku's words practically dripped with venom as he ignored the pleading voices of his classmates telling him to stop.

Before he could roast the now shaking boy once again, a familiar piece of cloth was wrapped around his mouth muffling his toxic words.

Izuku pulled himself away from the teen to see Aizawa with his hair floating and eyes red; almost the same colours as Izuku's.

"Problem child, that's enough" Aizawa stated firmly as his hair flattened when he blinked, next he released the capture gear and moved away from his furious student.

"Sorry hobo man but if Iida wouldn't have stopped acting like a fucking goodie-" that was all Aizawa needed to chop the back of Izuku's neck with a hand; knocking him unconscious with one touch.

"We're going to training camp today everyone, get to the buss quickly" Aizawa said slinging Izuku over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.


By the time everyone had gotten their bags and started boarding the buss, Izuku was still knocked out so Uraraka had offered to get the greenete's bags.

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