Photography Club

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Ryota's POV

Yawning, I walked the rest of the way to class, trying to ignore the drowsiness washing over me.

Walking into the classroom, I ignored the looks everyone gave me and sat down next to Yunoto. Glancing over, I saw him giving me a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

Gesturing to the bruise on my face, he raised an eyebrow. "What happened there?"

Rolling my eyes, I got all of my things ready for class. "My dad accidently hit a tennis ball at me yesterday."

Looking confused, Yunoto about to ask me another question when a group of boys came up to us.

Looking over, I noticed some of them were kind of cute looking. One brave soul of the group took a step foreward and smiled at us.

"Hi Ryota-sama, Yunoto-sama." He greeted.

I raised an eyebrow at the honorific when Yunoto covered my mouth with his hand.

"Good morning~ How can we help you?" Yunoto asked.

Glancing over at him, I saw a gleam in his eyes. 'He's so gonna take advantage of this' I thought to myself while rolling my eyes.

"Well, we saw you holding a camera the other day and we wanted to know if you would be interested in joining the Photography Club" he explained.

I raised my eyebrows as Yunoto moved his hand. "What would I be doing?"

Excited that I was considering joining, another guy joined in. "We take photos for the school newspaper of certain clubs and events going on. But in our free time we tend to just take pictures and put them in contests to represent the school"

Nodding along, I glanced at my bag which I knew held my camera. "It sounds like a lot of fun....." Looking up, I gave them a smile "I'd love to join your club!"

After much discussion on club information, class soon started. The day passed by with a blurr, no sign of Atobe and the famous Tennis team.

Yunoto and I walked to the Photography Club's front door together.

"I better get going, got some work to do, I'll see you after club activities, ok?" Yunoto offered.

Nodding, I gave him a smile. "Sure thing. I'll see you later" with that, we parted ways.

Walking into the classroom, I was suddenly ambushed by one of the girls.

"Hi! Are you here to join the club?" She exclaimed in a hyper attitude.

A bit weirded out, I nodded and was pulled by my arm towards the other students talking.

"Look guys! We have a new memeber" she called out happily, gaining the others attentions.

One of the girls gasped and held a hand up to her mouth, her eyes going wide. "It's the Prince!"

Feeling the others gazes on my, I sweat dropped and glanced around. "Please don't-"

"Wow! It's really nice to meet you!"

"Are you here to join the club?"

A bunch of questions flew around as I looked around helplessly until someone cleared their throat and wrapped a hand around my shoulder, pulling me away from the others.

"Now guys, let's not be rude."

I glanced up and saw a guy with long black hair down to his shoulders while wearing the 3rd year uniform.

Smiling down at me, he introduced himself. "Hello~ My name is Ino, it's nice to meet you."

Nodding, I gave him a smile. "It's nice to meet you too"

After everyone had settled down, we began to talk about what the club was in charge of currently. Apparently the Chess Club has been having numerous victories and the newspaper wanted a story on it. Since everyone needed to see how well my pictures were, and I didn't want to show them my personal ones, they put me in charge of this task.

Walking down the hallway with my camera around my neck, I came to the club entrance and took a hesitant knock.

After waiting a couple of minutes I decided to just walk in.

Peeking in, I saw, to my shock, a familiar face.


I stepped inside as quietly as I could so as to not ditrurb the match between Yunoto and a nameless player, while a group of guys gathered around discussing strategy.

Holding my camera in my hands, I waited casually by the wall until an oportunity presented itself.

'Wonder why he didn't tell me he was on the team....' I thought to myself absently when cheering erupted.

Looking up, I saw that everyone was clapping and smiling as Yunoto and the nameless player shook hands, signaling the end of the match.

Seeing the perfect opportunity, I quickly took a picture of Yunoto's smiling face and waited until everyone left, except Yunoto who was putting the chess board away.

Walking over, I cleared my throat and smiled at the he shocked look on his face.

"Congratulations on winning~" I said.

Snapping out of it, Yunoto grinned sheepishly while leaning against the table. "I didn't know you were here"

Smiling, I walked to the side of the table and looked at the pieces. "The club asked me to take some pictures of the chess team, I just found you here by chance"

Picking up a piece and looked it over and glanced at him. "Why didn't you tell me you were on the team?"

Shrugging, he played with one of the pieces absently. "Never really thought of telling you. Chess isn't really something that goes with my image...."

Smiling softly, I sat down in the empty and chair and held the piece up to him. "Teach me how to play?" I questioned.

Blinking, he smiled and took the piece and say down across from me.

"Ok, we'll start with..."

As he explained, I took the time study his reaction to chess. Seeing the happy look on his face, I glanced at the camera on the table next to me. Reaching over while he's distracted, I look at the picture of him smiling and delete it.

'I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep this a least until he tells me it's ok'

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now