Ryoga Vs Atobe

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Ryota's POV

Struggling to remain silent, I slowly open the door and peek inside. Scanning the room, I lock on to my prey.

' Target acquired.'

Placing a hesitant foot into the dark room, I quietly make my way inside while holding my weapon. After a few steps I flinch as the wooden floor creaks under the pressure. Freezing, I hold my breath and watch as my target shifts slowly, mumbling under their breath. I continue my slow journey once they relax.

Biting my lip, I feel myself sweating under the pressure as I lift my weapon up above their head.



Pouring the ice cold water from the bucket onto the sleeping form of my older brother, I back up a few steps as he wakes up from the cold.

"What the hell!?" He screams as he jumps up from the soaked bed sheets. I turn around and sprint downstairs as he yells behind me. "Ryota!"

Sprinting into the kitchen, I spot Oyaji sitting at the table while reading his Magazines. Jumping onto his lap, I ignore his pained grunt as I peek over his shoulder. A few seconds later, Ryoga runs into the kitchen soaking wet and spots me. Growling, he takes a menacing step over to me just for Oyaji to hold a hand up, effectively stopping him.

"Oi, Ryoga. What do you think you're doing?" He questions in a bored tone as he continues to look at the pictures. "You were suppose to get up half an hour ago so you could help me tend to the tennis court out back."

A sense of satisfaction washes over me at the scared look on Ryoga's face. "S-sorry, Oyaji."

Nodding his head, Nanjiroh reaches up and pats me on my head, making me purr at the affectionate touch. "You're just lucky that I asked Ryota to wake you up. If not, you would have to suffer your mother's wrath for not helping out." He glances over his shoulder and gives my brother a grin. "Don't you agree?"

His face reddens with slight anger as he mumbles under his breath. "Yeah....Thanks, Ryo." With that, Ryoga turns and makes his way upstairs, most likely to change out of his soaked clothing.

Smiling happily, I give Oyaji a hug. "Thanks, Oyaji~"

Chuckling, he pats my head again. "You're welcome, boi. Good job with the bucket. Now," he gives me a grin and gestures back upstairs, "how about you wake Ryoma up for breakfast?"

Grinning, I jump off his lap and grab the bucket. "Kay~"


After waking my brothers up to a refreshing shower of water and a nice breakfast, we all went to the street tennis courts for the match. Sighing, I shake my head as I grab my items.

'I still can't believe they're doing this....'

Yesterday, after my brothers arrived at the school, they agreed that Atobe would play a match against Ryoga to see if he was, and I quote, "worthy of Ryota's loving attention". I was starting to question my brother's sanity at this point, it wasn't until Atobe agreed that I had started to wonder if all boys were this stupid.

"Ryota! Hurry up!" I heard Ryoga call for me downstairs.

Grabbing my tennis bag, I make my way downstairs and give my two brothers a smile. "Ready~"

Grinning, Ryoga opens the door and leads us to the street tennis courts. "You ready to see your boyfriend get beat?"

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. "Whatever, you're just saying that cause you know you're going to get beat."

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now