School Festival: School Spirit and Maid Cafe's

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Ryota's POV

"To support school spirit, Hyoutei is going to hold a school festival where students, families, and our neighbor can enjoy. Every class is going to do something different, so we need to come up with our own theme today." Our teacher explains.

Glancing over at Akashi, I could tell we were thinking the same thing.

'We're so screwed'

We had heard about the school festival last week when a couple of girls were chatting about it in class.


'Don't you think a haunted maze would be cool?'

'I don't know, that's kind of cliché. I was thinking more along the lines of a bakery shop, then we can take some sweets home.'

'What about a maid theme café? Can you imagine the cute dresses we would get to wear?'

'Oh! Better yet, can you imagine the Prince-san in a maid costume?'

"He could totally pull it off! He has such a nice figure and is so kind.'

'And if Yunoto-san wore a full on butler outfit while escorting the Prince-san around that would be so cute!'

'That's even better!'


'Can't wait!'

End Flashback

Gulping, I glance around the classroom to see all the girls sending looks towards Akashi and I.

'Maybe it won't be too bad.....'


Tugging on the skirt, I blush deep red as I look in the mirror.

'Can't believe they made me wear this'

"Ryota? Are you all done?" Akashi calls out.

Blushing even more, I stammer out a reply. "J-Just a second!"

Sighing, I turn my attention back to the mirror in front of me.

A plain white ribbon is placed in my hair to match the maid dress reaching down to mid thigh and a black choker with a gold pendant was hanging from it. Black stockings with white trimmings at the top went over my legs as white Mary Jane shoes over them.

Shaking my head, I bring up the courage to finally exit. Reaching out, I unlock the bathroom door and step out into the hallway to see Akashi in his own butler clothing.

He wore a white dress shirt with the top 2 buttons undone and black vest over it along with black dress pants. He kept his ear piercings in, but that just added to his appeal.

Grinning at me, he reaches over and fingers the bow in my hair.

"Well aren't you just adorable, Princess" He teases lightly.

Blushing, I give him a glare and cross my arms.

"You know my brother wants to come and see the fair. Maybe I'll let it slip about you in your butler get up." I threaten.

He freezes and simply patts my head while nodding.

"I've taught you well." Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he leads me away from the bathroom towards our classroom. "Come on, they're probably waiting for us."

Pouting, I hold onto my arm while being led by Akashi. 'I can't believe I have to wear this.'

As we enter the room, a couple of students look over from where they're setting up the tables. Suddenly, the room went silent.

Glancing around and noticing they're all looking at us, I reach out and hold onto Akashi's shirt.

Then all hell broke loose.


Just like that, everyone rushes over and starts giving us compliments all at once. After a few minutes of commotion, our class leader finally steps up and lets out a loud whistle to quiet down the group.

"Alright everyone! Back to work! We still need to set up the rest to the tables and put the streamers up. Chop chop!" She orders.

And just like that, everyone goes back to what they were doing.

The class leader turns towards us and smiles. "It's nice to see you two in the costumes. All you two have to do is go around taking orders."

Nodding, we go help the others set up and soon enough, customers start pouring in.

Time Skip

Running around a corner, I glance back to see the group still chasing after me with their cameras. Groaning softly, I pick up the pace and dart by other stalls.

Making another sharp turn, I go through the nearest entrance into the fenced area and crouch down behind a table. Waiting until the group passes by, I let out a sigh of relief.


Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now