The Challenge

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Ryoga's POV

"Sup, little bro."

Watching as my youngest brother goes wide eyed, he rushes towards us and hugs me tightly. Smiling against my chest, he looks up at me. "When did you get back?"

Smiling down at him, I hug him tightly, missing my little brother greatly. "I just landed here this afternoon, I would have come home sooner if it wasn't for a slight mix up back in America." Looking up, I see all of the regulars standing there next to, who I'm assuming, Atobe who stared at us in shock and suspicion. Grinning, I gesture to them as I wrap my other arm around Ryota. "Want to introduce us to your team?"

Ryota blushes and gestures to each of his teammates as he introduces them. Turning to us, he smiles happily. "These are Ryoga and Ryoma Echizen, my older brothers."

The purple haired guy walks over and holds a hand out. "It's nice to meet you."

Grinning at him, I shake his hand. "Likewise, so I heard you want to date my youngest brother."

He stiffens and nods his head. "Yes, we had both agreed to a bet before the match. I intend to take him out on a date."

Nodding, I turn to Ryota and ruffles his hair while grinning. "And how come I never heard about you joining a tennis team when I was in America?"

I can't help myself from laughing at the blush on his face. Pointing to Ryoma, who I had my other arm wrapped around, he yells at him. "He's already dating someone!"

Ryoma glares at him. "You're the one who introduced the two of us!"

"You're just lucky that you're even dating someone!"

"Why you little-"

Covering both of their mouths my hands, I grin at the shocked Atobe. "Aren't they just loveable" Chuckling, I'm stopped short by pain in my hands. "OW!" Letting go of the two of them, I stare at my hands to see bite marks.

My moody sibling walks over to Ryota and hugs him from behind, all the while glaring at me. "Shut up, Ryoga. Just hurry up so we can leave."

Pouting at the two of them, I rub my poor hands while muttering to myself. "How un-cute you two have turned."

Someone clears their throat and I look over to see the one that Ryota introduces as Oshitari stepping forward. Giving me a smile, he nods his head. "Sorry for the interruption, but may I ask why you seem so familiar to me?"

Shuffling a bit, I rub the back of my neck. "Well, I've been touring with the U 17 tennis members in America for the past four years. Maybe you saw me on TV or something like that."

Another teammate, Jiroh, walks over wide eyed. "Are you the one who placed as third among the group?"

I can't help but smirk at the awe struck look on his face. Nodding, I cross my arms. "Yup," I look at Atobe, "and I came back to see my family." Stepping forward, I give him a glare. "Only to hear about some guy pursuing his baby brother...."

After glaring at him, I give him a grin and tilt my head up. "And if you want to date him," I'm joined by Ryoma who also glares at him, "you're going to have get through us first."

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now