Nurse Ryoma

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Ryoma's POV

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Be-THUD

Groaning softly, I open my eyes hesitantly and look at the clock.

6 a.m.

Letting my head drop down onto my pillow, I sigh quietly.

'The one time I actually wake up from an alarm is the one time I wake up an hour before I need to.'

Tugging the blankets around me, I start to settle into blissful sleep when my phone goes off.

Sighing, I reach out blindly to grab it. Unlocking the screen, I see that I have a text message from Ryo.

To: Onii-chan
From: Ryo
Just thought I'd let you know that Akashi is out of school today and is sick at home.

Staring at the words on the screen, it takes me a while to understand what he means until he sends me another message.

To: Onii-chan
From: Ryo
Here's his address

Blinking at the screen, I jump out of bed and get dressed in black jeans, a red shirt and a white sweater. Grabbing my hat, I walk downstairs and call out to Baka Oyaji in the kitchen.

"I'm going to a friends house! He needs help with something!" I call out.

Exiting the house, I take the train into the city and make my way through the streets.
Having to stop multiple times to ask for directions, I find myself in front of a two story house.

Hesitating a bit, I make my way through the front gate and up the stone path. Ringing the doorbell, I wait patiently.

Waiting for a good couple of minutes, I reach out and knock on the door. A few more minutes pass by and I finally try the door knob.


Opening the door slowly, I peek inside.

"Akashi?" I call out.

Stepping inside, I close the door behind me. "Akashi, it's Ryoma. You're door was unlocked so I let myself in...."

Feeling worried, I kick my shoes off and look around the house. After discovering a living room neatly organized with a brown sofa and a love seat facing a TV on a fireplace, I make my way into an open doorway. Finding myself in a kitchen with some dirty dishes in the sink, I make my way back to the living room.

Walking upstairs, I find an office, bathroom and an empty guest room on one side of the hall. Making my way to the last door, I hear coughing coming from inside.

Rushing to the door, I knock on it and open it slowly.

"Akashi?" I call out softly.

On the bed, I see Akashi sleeping buried under multiple blankets and sweating profusely.

Walking over, I reach out and place my hand on his forehead.

'He's burning up....'

Worried, I take off a few layers of blankets and leave one thick blanket on top of him. Rushing downstairs to the kitchen, I rummage through the cabinets until I find a clear bowl. Walking upstairs to the bathroom, I fill the bowl with water and grab a hanging washcloth from the rack.

Walking into his room, I set the bowl on the nightstand and dry his face with the cloth. Dipping the cloth in the bowl, I wring it dry and place it on his forehead.

Smoothing his hair back gently, I stare down at him in worry. I let out a sigh and look and look around his room for a chair. Grabbing the chair from the desk in the corner, I move it to his bed side.

Sitting down, I wait by his side, wondering what I should do next. Hearing Akashi groan softly, I lean foreward a bit and wait as his eyes flicker open.

He stares at the ceiling for a bit before lifting his hand up to touch the washcloth on his forehead.

Reaching out, I place my hand over his to move it away.

"You need to keep that on, it'll help." I whisper gently.

He looks over at me in surprise and tries to sit up a bit.

"Ryoma, what are you doing here?" He asks, obviously perplexed.

I suddenly realize the situation I'm in. I had come into his house uninvited, went through his stuff and am now in his room while he's sick.

Feeling heat creep up my neck and face, I pull my hand back and stand up.

"I'm sorry, I should go..." I apologize. Turning around to leave, I stop when a hand is placed on mine.

"Wait, I-" Akashi starts, only to stop by a sudden coughing fit.

Helping him sit up, I rub his back until he calms down. Waiting a couple of minutes before talking, Akashi finally looks up at me.

"I didn't mean that you should leave. I was just shocked that you took the time to take care of me...." He blushes faintly.

Feeling heat creep up my neck again, I look down at our hands. Squeezing his hand gently, I smile a bit.

"I'll always be here for you...." I whisper quietly, not even sure if he hears me.

Glancing up at him, I see his bright red face staring back at me.

"I....I'll always be here for you too" he whispers back.

Sharing small smiles, we sit there staring at each other in silence.

'.....I'm so in love'

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now