Akashi Yunoto

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Ryota's POV

Silence was what I was met with after I had finished introducing myself. Feeling heat creep up the back of my neck, I glanced around and saw everyone stock still.

"Was it something I said...?"

As if someone had set off an alarm, everyone started to act up.

"HE'S SO CUTE~!!" The girls yelled, their faces red with blush as they started to chat with each other, glancing at me frequently.

If I thought the girls were bad, then the boys were probably almost as bad as they were.

"Can you believe...."

"He's so adorable..."

"I think I might be gay...."

Chatter swamped the entire room, a noisy buzz filling it while I'm still stood next to the teacher. Speaking of which, I see him glancing at the room in amusement.

"Sensei?" I question, making him look at me. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked while taking a quick glance at the other students who were too busy to notice the two of us talking.

Smiling, he just shook his head. "No, but it's amazing how you managed to get them all obssessed in such a short amount of time. Not even Atobe could do such a thing." He explained while chuckling.

Confused at who this 'Atobe' person was, I hesitated a bit. "Sensei....Who's Atobe?"

Chuckling, he just shook his head. "Somebody you'll be hearing about soon enough."

I was about to ask him about it even more when he took a step forward and clapped his hands together. "Alright everyone! Settle down, settle down!" He calmed the class. "I know you're all excited, but you don't want to scare Echizen off suddenly now, do you?"

Watching as everyone calmed down and look at me with admiration, I blushed a bit. Wrapping an arm around my mid drift, I looked down and shuffled my feet a bit, not even noticing everyone blushing deep red.

"Echizen," I looked up at the call of my name, "why don't you have a seat by the window?" He told me while gesturing to the side.

Looking over by the windows, I caught sight of a redheaded boy with multiple piercings in his ear and a bored look on his face. Walking over to him and my desk, I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I sat down at my desk, their whispers filling up the room.

"He's sitting next to Yunoto...."

"Uh oh....."

"Wonder what he'll do...."

'Wonder what's wrong with everyone this time....' I wondered. Glancing at the person sitting next to me, I saw him staring at me with a content look on his face. Feeling a bit awkward, I gave him a soft smile, causing him to look away immediately.

Wondering what I did wrong, I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked down at my desk. Since it was a study period, everyone started to talk to one another, leaving Yunoto and I sitting silently.

Glancing over at him, I tried to bring up the courage to talk to him, but failed after my fourth attempt to speak. Sighing, I started to reach for my back when my camera bag fell out of my backpack and onto the floor.

Watching as a hand picked it up, I looked up and see Yunoto looking at the camera with no expression on his face. Not sure how to react as he turned the camera on, I just sit back and wait for him to be done.

While waiting for him, I looked out the window out of boredom with my hand under my chin. I didn't notice the actions around me until a click was heard to my right. Looking over, I saw Yunoto aiming the camera at me. He lowered it slowly and grinned at me while holding the camera out for me.

"I noticed you didn't have many pictures of yourself, so I found the perfect opportunity." He explained while I looked at the photo he took and smiled to myself soflty.

A picture of me looking out the window with a far off look on my face as sun rays gave off a peaceful feel to it. Looking over at Yunoto again, I smiled at him. "Thanks, it's really good."

He just shrugged and rubbed the back of his head with a small smile. "It's nothing. Your photo's are far better than that."

Taking the compliment kindly, I just shook my head. "Well I've been taking photo's all my life." Seeing an opportunity to finally introduce himself properly, I reached a hand out. "I didn't really introduce myself properly early. I'm Ryota Echizen. Nice to meet you~"

Seemingly shocked, he hesitated a bit and shook my hand. Grinning a bit, he introduced himself. "Akashi Yunoto. It's, um, nice to meet you too."

Smiling happily at the fact that I talked to him, we started to have a conversation with each other until the bell rang. Ignoring the weary looks on our classmates faces as we continued to talk together, I handed him my schedule after he asked for it.

Nodding, he looked up while handing the schedule back. "We basically have the same classes together, except for Chemistry, Calculus, and Geometry....wow, you're taking, like, two second year classes."

Shrugging, I looked around the hallway looking for our class. "I took some advanced classes in America."

As we walked down the hallway, I noticed how people would look at us as we walked down the hallway. Mainly Yunoto.

Reaching out, I tugged on his sleeve and waited until he looked at me. "Yunoto, why are people staring at us?"

He glanced around and grinned bitterly before looking back at me. "I'm not exactly the most rule abiding student here"

Even more perplexed than before, I tilted my head a bit. "What do you-"

"Here we are~!" He interrupted as we stood in front of another classroom. Giving me a grin, he waved his hand and started to head to his own class. "I'll come by after class so we can walk together~" And with that, he left.

Slightly irked by how he ignored my question, I just shook my head and knocked on the door.

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now