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Ryota's POV

Looking around, I let myself give a deep sigh at the sight of all the students present.

'Can't believe so many people find this entertaining'

The tennis courts at school were practically overrun by so many spectators, some students and some reporters. It had been difficult to just make my way here earlier, what with all the students crowding in circles, gossiping about the possible candidates.

Apparently, one candidate has been highly discussed, someone by the name of Akamatzu. Born and raised in Japan with so much talent that many professional tennis companies had offered him contracts. After much deliberation, he had rejected their offers, claiming that he wouldn't accept any offers unless it was from the best professional tennis company.

Rolling my eyes, I lean back against the bench I was sitting on. 'So stupid, it's not like the best company in the world is going to invest in a teenager.'

Shaking my head, I glance over at the, still empty, bulletin board. I had asked Onii-chan, the other day, on how tryouts went about. He said that at his school, a bulletin board had the list of Blocks (A, B, C, and a possible D) with different individuals who would face off in said Block. To become a Regular, one would need to win a certain amount of rounds. Then, announcements would be made on who the Regulars were that year.

Watching as one of the student officials goes up and post the list, many other tennis players make their way over as well.

Waiting until the crowd dwindles, I then make my way to the list.

Ryota Echizen-Block B

"Pft, these guys will be easy, no doubt about it!" A loud voice behind me exclaimed.

Turning around, I see another player wearing red tennis clothes and a cocky grin. Another player elbows him and snickers.

"At least give these guys some credit. I mean, you're practically a pro, Akamatzu." He teases.

I raise an eyebrow at the two of them.

'So this is the apparent professional....'

Smirking and I shake my head and start to walk away. "So dissapointing" I mutter, and make my way to the courts.

-38 Minutes Later-

"Game, Echizen. 6-0"

Shaking hands with my opponent, I walk back over to my bench and start grabbing my things.

'3 games in 38 minutes? Are these people playing seriously at all?'

Walking out of the court, I take my water bottle and take swing of it. Making my way to the bulletin board, I smile to the student officials behind the table.

"Echizen, 6-0"

Nodding, one of the officials turns and writes the score down. The other grins at me and nods.

"Looks like you're on a streak, good job!" He congradulates me.

Smiling back, I shrug. "It's nothing, really."

"Well its gonna end once we face off." Says a voice behind me.

Turning around, I see Akamatzu standing behind me.

Raising an eyebrow at him, I tilt my head to the side. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" I ask innocently.

He blinks in shock and rears his head back. "You don't know who I am?" He questions.

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now