I Promise

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Ryota's POV

Where am I?

It's like I'm in a dark void, just drifting in the darkness.


Huh? Who's there?


Why do they sound so familiar?


....Atobe? Is that you? What happened?


Oh yeah,I remember now. The stupid driver.

"so sorry...won't..."

Huh? I can't hear you very well.....Why do you sound like you're crying?

Finally, a bright light forms in the distance, my body starting to float towards it slowly.

Am I waking up?



Furrowing my eyebrows, I slowly open my eyes. The feeling of my arm being weighted down makes me glance down. The sight of my arm in a white cast above the cold sheets placed on my body confuses me profusely. I let my gaze wander, in search of anything to tell me what's going on, until I see something that breaks my heart.

Atobe, sobbing on his knees while gripping my bed sheets. Despite his incoherent words, I'm able to focus enough to understand what he's saying.

"I never meant anything I said! I love you so much, Ryota. So, so much. It killed me when I had to make up those lies, I thought that what I was doing was right, that I was supporting you in my own fucked up way...!" A sob racks his body, breaking my heart even more at his distraught cries. "I'll never do it again, I'll be honest from now on....I'll never hurt you again, I'll do anything it takes to have you back in my life...." Calming down a bit, I'm slightly relieved to hear his breathing regulate slowly."Even if you can't forgive me....I'll still love you..."

Tears pooling in my eyes, I'm unable to take anymore. Reaching out slowly, I rest my hand over his and grip it tightly. Sniffling, I watch as Atobe lifts his head up to stare at me in shock. "Ryota..."

Smiling weakly, I shake my head while tears slide down my cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me, you were self conscious? I would have understood!" A sob racks my body, causing the man I love to wince. "You stupid man....You stupid, selfish man!" I start crying even more, unable to contain the wealth of emotions washing over me. "I can't believe you put us through this! I thought you hated me.....I thought you didn't want me anymore.....And yet I still love you despite all this!" Finally unable to take it any longer, I let myself cry. The next thing I know, Atobe's arms are wrapped around me, holding me gently against his chest as he buries his face against my neck, letting me cry on his shoulder while whispering loving words.

"I know sweetie, I know. Let it all out, I'm here for you and I will never let you go. I'll be here for you no matter what, I promise." He whispers, kissing my temple gently, calming me down. "It was a mistake to think that this was for the best, I won't ever do it again."

Pulling back, I give him a watery smile. "Damn right you won't. 'Cause if you do anything like this again, I'm going to kick your ass, you hear me?"

Smiling himself, he nods and kisses my forehead gently. "And you know what? I won't even stop you."

Sniffling, I relax against him, content to have my man at my side once more.

Just when I thought everything was fine, I felt Atobe tense under my touch. Confused, I pull back and look up at him in concern. "Atobe? What's wrong?"

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now