What the Hell Just Happened?

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Ryota's POV

The tennis courts were filled with complete silence. Not even a tennis ball was heard hitting the ground.

Glancing around wearily, I looked down and fingered the hem of my shirt.

It continued to stay in awkward silence until a snap of one's fingers were heard. Looking up, I was presented with Atobe standing near me with his hand raised in the air.

'When did he....?'

"Everyone! Get back to practice, do you honestly expect us to get anything done with all of you standing here? Move, before Ore-sama has to tell you again!" With that, everyone snapped out of it and continued to go about their way, sparring me a couple of glances. Other than that, one wouldn't be able to tell anything had happened. It was just Atobe, the regulars and I left on the court.

Watching as he started to turn towards me, I quickly looked down at my camera hanging around my neck still. A hand took hold of my chin and glently lifted my head up until I faced the tennis captain.

"Now," he smiled at me, "will you do Ore-sama the honor of introducing yourself, Prince-san?"

Blushing at the nickname, I blinked a couple of times and just stared at him uncertainly.

'The rumors said that he would be upset finding out about a new noble, yet he hasn't tried anything so far....but Yunoto told me to stay away from him for my safety. I trust Yunoto, but I'm not sure what to do...'

Refusing to look at him, I bit my bottom lip a little as I looked down at the ground.

Atobe's POV

'He's so adorable' I thought to myself, watching as he bit his lip lightly.

A wave of warmth rushed over my face and it took me a while to realize that I was blushing. Making sure took wait until my composure was restored, I turned around to face my team.

"Why don't you all go back to practice too? Ore-Sama will give our little guest a tour of the courts." When they didn't follow my order right away, I raised an eyebrow and gestured with a nod of my head to leave.

Watching as they walked away to their respective courts, only a few glanced back, I turned back to my guest.

Reaching down, I take his chin in my hand and lift his head up. Smirking at the blush flitting across his face, I leaned down a bit until our noses were only a hair apart.

"Why don't we go for a walk~" I whispered while reaching for his hand and guiding him outside of the courts.

Walking side by side, I showed him the tennis area, from the courts to the new machines and locker room. Glancing over at him, I noticed he was taking pictures every once in a while.

Clearing my throat I tilted my head towards him. "So, do you have any hobbies?"

My only response was a glance over at me and then he continued looking around. Raising an eyebrow, I cleared my throat again. "What made you come to Hyoutei?"

I had just gotten the same response. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, I opened my mouth to say something when yelling was heard on the tennis courts.

We both looked over to see a red head male and my regulars fighting. Anger washed over me at the sight. 'How dare the plebian impose on us!'

Turning to my guest, I was about to tell them to wait here when I noticed him rushing to the tennis court. Concern and worry washed over as I soon followed. 'Dont get involved! What if you get hurt!'

Making our way over, we could begin to hear the commotion clearly.

"Look, we don't know what you're talking about!" Gakuto tried to explain, his face showing his anger and frustration.

The red head just rolled his eyes and glared at him. "Yeah right! Just tell me where Echizen is!"

'Echizen?' I was brought out of my thoughts when my guest reached up and grabbed onto the red heads arm. Jealousy washed over me as the two looked at each other with his hand on his arm.

'Who gave you permission to touch what is mine?' I thought to myself as they looked each other in the eyes.

Yunoto's POV

I felt my arm being pulled, looking over I see Ryota giving me a concerned look. "Yunoto, I'm fine. Really, I just went for a quick walk with Atobe."

Looking around, I noticed how Atobe was looking at us with hate. Feeling curious, I reached out and wrapped an arm around Echizen's shoulders and held onto his chin with my other hand. Lifting his head up until he was looking at me, I gave him a concerned look.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked, genuinly concerned.

Smiling up at me, he reached a hand up and patted my cheek lightly. "I'm fine Yunoto~ But thank you for worrying~" Giving me a hug, I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

Glancing over at Atobe, I saw him seething with hatred in his eyes.

'Good, that'll teach you to stay away from what's mine.....wait.....WHAT??'

Shocked at what I just thought, I glanced down at Echizen as he pulled away from me smiling.

'....Yeah....There's no way he's going to take what's mine away from me...'

Taking Echizen's hand, I looked around the courts to see the regulars and a small crowd of people staring at us. Suddenly feeling bold, I look over at Atobe and lifted my head up.

"Be sure that this doesn't happen again, ok, Captain?" I questioned. Not waiting for a response, I pulled Echizen along with me as we left the courts and the Tennis team behind.

Atobe's POV

By the time they had left, I was seething with rage. Judging by the shocked looks on my teams faces, they could tell I was angry also.

'What the Hell just happened?'

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now