There's Two of You?

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Ryoma's POV

Glancing around at my teammates, I can tell questions are piling up in their minds. Nudging Ryota, I lean over to him from where we're standing.

"You have a plan?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes at me and crosses his arms. "They're your teamates, you handle it."

An anime sweat drop rolls down my head at my brothers lack of support.

Flashback: 3rd POV

Whilst Ryoma was playing his game, Ryota was subjected to sitting in awkward silence with his brother's teamates.

Everyone else continued to cheer as the match went on. Finally, Ryoma had won the game with 6-0.

Making his way to his team and brother, Ryoma could see that an explanation would be needed.

Standing next to his brother, Ryoma rested his hand on Ryota's shoulder and smiled awkwardly.

'This is not gonna end well.'

End Flashback: Ryoma's POV

"You used to be so cute and adorable, what happened?" I ask exasperatedly..

Huffing a bit, he glares at me. "It's your fault! You're the one who couldn't wake up on time!"

"This shouldn't be a surprise to you! You always help me out!" I yell back.

Growling, he takes a step towards me. "And you're starting to be ungrateful for it! I took time out of my day to help you when I could have finished my errands for the day. Now I have no time for them!"

Feeling guilty, I reach out and hug him to my chest, against his protests. Stroking his hair I whisper softly.

"I am grateful, I guess I'm just used to you being their." Kissing his temple lightly, I lean back and smile at him. "How about I make it up to you? Tomorrow I'll take you anywhere you want to go, I'll even do the errands that you don't want to do, okay?" I offer.

Watching as he smiles, he gives me a nod. "Alright~ Thanks, Onii-chan."

Smiling as we made up, I didn't even notice my teamates were there the whole time until Eiji yells at the top of his lungs.


Wincing, I sigh and shake my head. "Yes, Eiji. This is my younger brother Ryota. Ryota, meet my team." I introduce.

Smiling at my friends, Ryota waves to them. "Hi! Sorry for pretending to be Onii-chan. It's really nice to properly introduce myself to you all!"

Everyone's silent for a while, but chaos ensues thereafter.

"You have a brother and you never told me?"

"Why have we not been told about you two?"

"Are you willing to try some experimental juice that I've created?

"No! Don't try it Ochibi's brother!!"

"Saa, Eiji, there's no need to yell. I'm sure it will taste fine."


"Um, Eiji, I'm sure it will be ok..."

"Here you go Kawamura, your racket."

"Oh, thank you Fuji, but I dont- FIGHTING! COME ON ECHIZEN'S! YOU BOTH TRY IT!"

"Fssh, that was planned wasn't it Fuji?"

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now