Trouble on the Tennis Courts

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Ryota's POV       

Sighing to myself, I held the camera that hung around my neck as I looked around. 'How did I end up in this situation?'

I had somehow been roped into taking pictures of the tennis team for the school newspaper, something about how my pictures were perfect for "Capturing the essence of our great tennis team". Rolling my eyes at the thought, I looked around trying to find some picture worthy actions.

Watching as player after player continued to run their warm ups and play light matches, my mind began to drift to other thoughts. 'Onii-chan hasn't brought up his tennis team in a while. Wonder how it's going for him'.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice the arrival of the regulars until some of the supporters around the courts began cheering. Startled, I looked up and saw something


Ok, so maybe I was expecting the regulars to have a regal air to them and be all majestic and some other crap.

But what the hell? How is it possible to look like complete jerks just by walking in?!

Watching as the team made their way into the caged tennis courts, I felt my expectations lower until I finally realized something.....I could probably beat them all with one hand.

How sad.

Sighing, I lifted my camera and began to take pictures of the team with disinterest.

'How can this possibly get any worse?'

A shadow fell over me and I looked up to a see a huge giant towering over me. Going wide eyed, I gave him a weak smile.


Not even bothering to reply, the giant took hold of me by the back of my shirt and lifted me up as if I weighed nothing and walked to the fenced courts.

Gulping, I glanced around wildly, hoping to get some help, but everyone was too focused on a few of the regulars that had already started their matches.

'Oh no....this is how I'm going to die....'

With closed eyes, I began to say prayers in my mind when I was placed on the ground gently. Opening my eyes, I realized that the giant had set me down in front of the regulars of the tennis team. Where they were all looking at me with smiles and grins on their faces.

'I just had to ask......'

A hand took hold of my chin and lifted my head up a bit, startling me. Looking up, a guy with red hair was smiling down at me.

"Well aren't you a cutie~ No wonder Atobe has taken an interest on you~"

Shocked, I just stared at him blankly as he continued.

"You know, if it doesn't work out with Atobe, you could always come to m-"

"Knock it off, man. He wouldn't be interested in you anyway"

Looking over, another guy with a blue cap grinned at him. Happy that the red head let go of my chin, I glanced around.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, but why am I here?" I asked, gaining the attention of the rest of the regulars.

Feeling nervous, I took a hesitent step back, only to find a solid chest against my back. Arms started to wrap around my waist as I glanced up to see the man who probably caused all of this.


He grinned down at me.

"Hello again~ Ores-sama can see you couldn't stay away from his beauty, could you?"

Confusion washed over me. "What are you talking about? Your team was the one that manhandled me"

Anger seemed to flash in eyes as he set his eyes on the team watching us.

"Oh really....." He stated, his hands tightening on my shoulders until I winced.

Letting out a whimper, I opened my mouth to say something when loud yelling was heard from the side lines.

"Let go of Prince-san!"

"You have no right to hurt him!"

"You may be our King, but we won't let you hurt Prince"

We all glanced over to see a crowd of boys and girls standing outside of the gate yelling at us.

I glanced up at Atobe as he let me go slowly, while lifting a hand up into the air.

He snapped his fingers and it suddenly went deftly silent on the court.....until more yelling occured.

While looking at Atobe, he seemed to be in shock, which I found quite laughable.

However, as the commotion continued on and most of the tennis members started to stop their games, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Walking over to the fence that separated us from the crowd, I put on a smile.

"Everyone~ Please don't yell anymore~" I asked kindly and to my surprise they all stopped.

Nodding a bit, I laughed a littled. "See? Wasn't that easy?"

The crowd gave me smiles and started to calm down.

"Now, the tennis team still needs to practice, so could you all please be quite? I really want to watch their games myself." A chorus of "Yes"s were their reply as they all started to disperse.

Sighing a bit, I turned around to see the entire tennis team giving me shocked looks, non compared to the regulars though.

'.....I'm so screwed.....'

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now