Ryota Meets Segaiku Part 2

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Ryota's POV


'Who's that?"



"Wake up, Echizen...."

'Wake up?....Oh yeah....I fainted...'

Slowly regaining my senses, more voices start to talk around me.


"Eiji! There's no need to yell, others will start to look at us"


"Eiji, 30 laps"


"Saa, there's no need to threaten us, Tezuka"

"Fuji, 50 laps"

"Ouch, good luck with your laps you two!"


"I know, I know, 60 laps."


"80?! B-buchou!"

"You want to go for 100?"


"Um, everyone, shouldn't we get help?"

"I don't think that'll be necessary, Kawamura. He's waking up."

Shifting around a bit, I open my eyes slowly and hiss at the bright light. Immediatly shutting my eyes, I feel something placed over my head. Opening my eyes a bit, I see my hat on top of my head, blocking the sun.

"Echizen? Are you alright?" Someone whispers. Glancing over, I see a teen with black hair and a shiny forehead.

Squinting my eyes, I try my best to remember where I was. "Um....who are you?"

Watching as his eyes go wide, a loud whine heard on my other side. Looking over, I see a red haired kid with a band aid on his nose staring at me.

"Oh my gosh! I gave Ochibi amnesia!" He exclaims.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I try to sit up. "Ochibi?"

A hand is placed on my shoulder, making me look up.

"It's ok, Echizen. Well try to figure this out for you." Momo reassures.

Perplexed even more, I just stare up at him. "What are you talking about, Momo?"

Shocked, he stares at me. "Y-You know my name?"

Confused, I try to process the situation I'm in. "I think so..."

'Where am I?....oh....ok, now I remember. I'm filling in for Onii-chan....maaaaan! He so owes me one.'

Sighing, I watch the others discuss what to do with me.

'This is getting out of hand, how do I cover this up?...'

Clearing my throat, I get everyone's attention. "You guys? Shouldn't we go to the tennis courts? The matches are about to start. Besides, my memory is starting to come back to me" I lie.

They all stare at me with concern. "Echizen," the bald kid starts, "are you sure you'll be ok? Don't you think you should rest?"

Shrugging, I pick up my stuff and stand. "I'll be fine, I can always just rest while you guys play"

This seems to calm everyone down, except for some long haired teen.

"Saa, Echizen, you seem to be more talkative than usual. Are you sure you're alright?" He asks.

Nodding, I fix my hat on my head. "Yeah, I'm still trying to catch my bearings. I'll be fine if I sit down for a bit."

Now that everyone was reassured, we make our way to the tennis courts. After introductions to the opposing team, we all sit on our respective sides.

Sitting down next to Momo and the shy teen, I check my phone for any new messages.

'On my way. Got stuck'

Worried, I look over at Momo and tug on his sleeve. "Momo, when am I going to play?" I ask.

He glances at me and smiles. "Well, you would have gone Singles 2, but since you're hurt, you're going to go last."

Nodding, I put my phone away and try to support "my team".

The matches begin and as I watch I learned some things about the team.

Eiji and Oishi, I finally found out their names after the introductions, are considered the "Golden Pair". Eiji uses his acrobatic skills while Oishi backs him up whenever he loses his breath.

Kaidoh and Momo don't get along very well, even I could tell and I haven't even known them for a whole hour. They would start little fights over the most tedious of things, but they still support each other during their matches.

Inui, the silent creepster in glasses, is always writing in his black book. I tried to look over his shoulder and see what he was writing, but Eiji had stopped me, saying that no one should ever know what he writes.

Next was Kawamura, at first I thought he was a pretty shy kid, but once you give him a racket he just goes nuts. When he had stepped onto the court, he was all timid until he got his racket. I was so scared when he yelled out "FIGHTING" that I actually fell out of my seat.

Then there was Fuji, the most deadliest of them all. I didn't think much of him when we first met, but after one of Momo and Kaidoh's fight caused a big commotion, he had opened his eyes. His eyes were so intense that I didn't know what to do. So I just ignored the two idiots fighting and focused on the match.

Finally there was Tezuka, the captain. I honestly couldn't pick up much from him, except that he got migraines from his team. Who wouldnt with the yelling going on? From the way he held himself, he seemed to be restraining his true skills.

After the matches came and went, I start to get worried about Onii-chan. 'He was suppose to have been here by now!'

Finally, it was finally my turn to play. Glancing around nervously, I start to panic a bit.

'Onii-chan! You were suppose to have been here an hour ago!!'

"Echizen! You ready to play?" Oishi asks.

Eiji gives me a supportive smile and a thumbs up. "You'll do great!"

Smiling weakly, I nod and stand up unsteady like. "Y-yup..."

Fuji rests a hand on my shoulder with a concerned look. "Echizen? Are you sure you're alright? You look a bit pale?"

"Pale?" Oishi then comes over, "If you felt sick you should have said something before! We shouldn't let you play."

"But if he doesn't then we'll automatically lose since we have a tie right now." Momo put in.

Watching as they were discussing what to do, the umpire makes an announcement. "The match will now begin. Echizen to serve."

Snapping out of it, I look over at the court and see Onii-chan about to serve. Smiling in relief, I watch as they start their game. It wasn't until the regulars were staring at me with confusion on their faces that I felt panicked.

'Uh oh....'

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now