Join the Team

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Ryota's POV

"You're kidding me, right?" I ask.

Grinning, Atobe simply cups my cheek and leans down.

"Now why would Ores-sama joke around, sweet Ryo." He purrs.

Blushing at the name, I look away. "Don't call me that. Besides, what makes you think I would join the tennis team?"

Shrugging, he pulls away and leans back against the door, blocking my exit.

"You have so much potential, how could you not want to join." He explains.

Sighing, I glance around the empty classroom. Atobe had trapped me in my 1st period classroom before classes started. He had tried to confront me multiple times last week about joining the tennis team, but had failed after Akashi helped me escape all those times.

Today, however, he had texted me that he had a fever and wouldn't be going to school today. After wishing him luck, and sending a text to Onii-chan, I had tried my best to elude Atobe for as long as I could have.

It worked well until now.

Running a hand through my hair, I lean back onto a desk. "If I join, what would that entail?"

"Well, to properly join the team, you would have to enter the ranking tournaments next week. However, since Ores-sama is the captain, you could just join the team without even trying out." He offers with a grin.

"No," I shake my head, "I want to do this fair and square. I'll enter the tournament."

Nodding, he pushes off the door frame and walks towards me. "I look forward to seeing you there." He says, handing me the red rose that was cliped to his jacket.

Staring at the rose in my hand as he exits the classroom, I can't help but smile a bit.

'How pretty.....Wait,' I look up sharply at the door he had just left in.

'Did he just refer to himself in first person?'

Shaking my head, I grab my bag and walk out of the classroom to my next class.

After that, the day passed by in a blurr, I found myself walking home while thinking about my decision.

'He just said I had to beat the regulars...maybe if play badly I don't have to be on the team.'

Unlocking the front door to my house, I step inside and take my shoes off.

'But it has been a while since I played tennis competitively. It's not like when Ryoma and I could spend everyday playing in tournaments in America.'

Sighing and shaking my head, I head to the kitchen and drop my bag on the table. Grabbing a bottled water from the fridge, I head outside to the temple while listening to the bell being hit every few seconds.

Walking up the hill, I see Oyaji reading a magazine while hitting the bell. Smiling, I walk up to him and snatch the magazine from his hand.

"Hey!" He protests.

Grinning, I jump back out of his reach as he tries to grab for it. Holding the magazine up, I giggle as he struggles to not fall down.

"Oyaji! What are you doing?" I ask innocently.

Grumbling a bit, he tries to reach out for it, only to grasp at the air. "Come on, Ryota! Don't tease your old man like that, I'm not getting any younger."

Rolling my eyes, I hand him back the magazine and hop up onto the stand. Swinging my feet a bit, I take a sip of my water.

"But you act like a hormonal teenager." I tease.

Gasping, he pretends to be shocked. "Ryota! You're suppose to be my innocent son, stop acting like your brother!"

Laughing, I shake my head and wave my bottle at him. "I'm telling Onii-chan you said that! Where is he, anyway?"

Shrugging, Oyaji struggles to take his foot out of the rope attached to the bell without falling. "Who knows. He didn't even go to school today, said a friend needed his help with something."

Hiding a grin, I nod and look around. "Maybe it's his girlfriend."


Looking down, I see Oyaji on the ground with a shocked look on his face.


Chuckling, I raise an eyebrow at him. "I thought you would be happy."

Shaking his head, Oyaji gets up and dusts himself. "I am....I'm just worried for the girl." He looks at me with a dissapointed face. "I just never got to teach him all my moves."

Laughing, I jump off the platform and reach out to pat him on the back.

"It's ok, Oyaji. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time teaching him your ways." I tease.

Shaking his head, Oyaji gives me a smile. "You seem happier than usual today, did something good happen?"

Staring at him, I hesitate a bit before giving him a soft smile.

"Yeah, eveythings great." I reassure.

'Maybe playing tennis everyday won't be such a bad thing after all'

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now