Goodnight and Sweet Dreams

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Authors Note: This is just a cute little thing about a sleepy Ryoma, hope you enjoy this short chapter.

Ryota's POV

Akashi and I had just finished a game when I glanced over at Onii-chan to see him fighting to stay awake with Akashi threading his fingers through his hair. We had ended up playing video games after dinner and it was well past midnight. Sitting on floor, I had Ryoma's feet on my lap while he had his head on Akashi's leg.

"Ryoma, you don't have to stay up if you're tired." Akashi whispers, fingering his hair gently.

Pouting softly, he shakes his head and fights to keep his eyes open. "Nooo, I don't wanna."

Sighing, I shift a bit as I set my controller down. "Come on, Onii-chan. We know you're tired, just go to sleep."

Watching as he peeks at me, I give him a soft smile. Pouting, he looks down. "But I wanna stay up with you guys..."

Rolling my eyes, I look at Akashi and grin. "He tends to start acting like a child when he's sleepy." I explaine.

Nodding, Akashi looks back down at Onii-chan and smiles. "We were just gonna go to sleep anyway."

Agreeing, I stand up and start to turn the game system off. "Yup, why don't you get ready for bed while I clean up a bit."

Furrowing his brows, Ryoma looks up at Akashi and pouts. "But I'm comfy." He stated, while hugging Akashi's leg.

Watching as Akashi blushes, I giggle and shake my head. "You can sleep next to Akashi then. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, right?"

Blushing deep red, he nods and set his controller down as well. Detaching his leg from Ryota long enough to move, Akashi settlesdown on the floor. As soon as he's  done, Onii-chan hugs his waist and settles his head on Akashi's chest, smiling sleepily.

"You won't leave me, right Akashi?" Ryoma asked, looking up at Akashi.

Blushing deep red, he nods. "I won't"

Giggling like a child, Onii-chan smiles and kisses his cheek gently. "Good! Goodnight~"

Shocked, he smiles softly and leans down to kiss Ryoma's forehead. "Goodnight~" he whispers.

Biting my lip to stifle a laugh, I too make myself comfortable on the other side of Onii-chan and turn out the lights.

"Goodnight, Ryo~"

"Goodnight, Onii-chan"

"Goodnight, Ryoma."

"Goodnight, Akashi"

'Goodnight and sweet dreams'

Ryota EchizenWhere stories live. Discover now