chapter: 23

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He groaned in delight as you once again showered him in your slick, his hand firmly rubbing at your sensitive nub as he let you rid out your high.

"That's it love, just like that.." he cooed, rubbing his hands along your legs in warm gentle circular motions.

The feeling slowly came back to your limbs as they strained themselves out from another orgasm.

His eyes scanned your small bare frame, as you glistened with slick and sweat. Dispite being jackhammerd last night, you still hadn't yet entirely gotten used to his length. So when he pulled out it was no wonder your body recoiled inwardly so fast.

"Will I-" you were cut off as William's eyes immediately darted to the door behind you, eyes widening.


"Well what do we have here??" William froze, his limbs became stiff and seemed to tighten around you.

"Will, who's at the door?" You asked sweetly, attempting too steady yourself on your elbows.

Your chest was quickly met with a hand, stuffing you back into the plush sheets. "What do you want?" He sneered coldly. It scared me to say the least I had never seen the THE william afton speak rudley to anyone.

"Well to me it seems like YOU wanted to betray your sons trust, with his best friend" She noted. Ah yes...diana.

You layed there. Motionlessly. What else could you do. It was a bit of a pickle if you ask me.

"So was my cunt just not tight enough for ya anymore?" She questioned, I could almost hear the her smile behind it, because I knew, she knew that william knew it was only going to be downhill from here.

" slept" words came tumbling out in ways you hadn't meant for them too. Embarrassment krept onto your cheeks.  This really was getting old, being used and toyed with.

I was brought back to reality as William's hands softly caressed my face, bringing warmth along with them.

"Nononono love it's not like that at all-" a cheap snicker could be heard from the doorway, earning the attention of william

"Let me guess, he fed you the 'I'm lonley and touch starved' gag? Yeah, I could see though that before he had time to even make it up" she said as a matter of factly.


That's right

You're (y/n)

Good things dont happen to you

I mean look how you got here

Does that look like good luck?

Your chest began to sink as the itching and burning feeling slowly began to envelop your eyes as you began to overthink and slowly swallow yourself in your own head.  William being the intelligent man he is. Quickly took note of this and had to act fast

"Get the hell out of my house preston (Diana's last name), and dont come back" he commanded through gritted teeth.

He slowly untangled himself from my bodice and covered himself as he made his way too the door

They could be heard softly talking. I hadn't even bothered to look behind me, this wasnt worth it anymore. Not this amount of pain

"Are you sure about that?" She questioned testingly.

"Yes now get out. " now as a warning, the conversation slowly becoming a whisper.

"You wouldnt want word to get out of you and a minor now would you"? William's eyes widened at her statement. he knew she wouldnt have stated that if it were not true.


Authors note: hello bbys update numero 2 of today, I'm making saucy shit I know I know. Uhmm anyways my dm's are always open because author chan is really lonley so bang my line hoes

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now