chapter: 14

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I peered out the blinds or my window. The carlights casted shadows along my wall, it was mesmerizing as they danced along the wall. Vertical lines transcended across the mirror reflecting them across darker shadows on the ceiling.

Opening the blinds, I peered down at william, from atop my room on the second story. I reached for my phone, and slowly made my way down stairs, creeping through the door. (If you got that reference ily)

I slowly locked the door, leaving a sticky note.

"Went to study with Mike, be back later"

They usually wake up pretty late, so itd be believable. I walked out the side door of the house, and eventually met up with william. The cold air stinging my legs.

"I thought I told you too put on some warm clothes?" He sneered. I simply shook my head and embraced him, wrapping my arms around his torso, burying my face into his scent, Standing on the tip of my toes in a poor attempt too match his height.

He seemed shocked at first, but eventually eased into the gesture. "Come now ,love. Let's go"

He guided me too the passengers seat, opening the door for me and settling me in, before doing the same himself.

His car made a low purring noise that vibrated the seats in a smooth manner. After checking his mirrors, he glances at his rearview, using one arm to reverse as the other was perched behind my head seat.

I took notice of his long slender arms, how each of the veins protruded from them, he actually had a bit if build, but not enough to be called buff.

He soon caught wind of my actions and smiled, trying to play it off, that afton charm.


We had been driving for a bit, passing city limits, and abandoned grave yards. It wasn't until this point that I hadn't a clue just where exactly we were going.

It didnt matter right now tho, not when both our hands rested on the middle console, grazing each other.

3rd person

Their hands grazed each other softly. Each sneaking a glance at one another. Admiring their relaxed contentment. (Y/N) smiled groggily at William, earning one in return.

The girl had been touch starved, all the years of poking and prodding fromMicheal, but never was really getting anywhere had worn her emotional state out.

So it was no wonder it wasn't a bother when william made a move to hold her hand. The girl bloomed a thousand Rose's on her cheeks, as she looked up at him. He simply smiled and drank in the beautiful sight that was (y/n).

He gave her a gentle squeeze before turning his attention back too the road, and pulled in near a small lake.

Picnic tables had been littered along the side walk path too the docks. (Y/n) stared confused for a bit.

Her attention immediately ripped away from the view as she felt the warmth of her bestfriends fathers hand leave hers.

She soon realised he excited the car and was retrieving something from the trunk when he disappeared from her view. He returned, holding a basket, and a large bag. He shifted them too his off hand and politely opened her door. "C'mon, love" he gestured.


After the fuss of getting out of the luxury vehicle, things seemed odd. I hadn't really asked william where we were going exactly, the lake trail was a straight shot, so..why was he leading me off into the woods?

Anxiety began to grow, and william soon realised this with each growing tic of my hand.

Soon enough we came into a small clearing, as william pulled off his bag, and set the basket aside.

"Ready for the real fun little lady?"

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now