chapter 7

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I whipped my head around, as my eyes locked gazes with the look alike himself. Mr.afton.

He had been in a simple pair of green and plus plaided pyjama pants, and a simple grey t shirt. His arms were quite slender, as was the rest of him, except for his stomach which seemed to be doughy. He looked quite cute in all honesty.

"Home" I stated, a little to sadly for my liking. Mr.afton must have noticed my tone, as his smile faltered. "Is it mikey?" He asked crossing his arms, and shifting his weight. His eyebrows furrowed in an odd matter, it was quite funny as they were a bit on the bushier side 

"No, no" I waved my arms in a small 'x' motion. "Its not that' I laughed. His smile perked up a bit

"you have a very beautiful laugh" my eyes quickly searched the room for anything interesting to start on a topic, anything other then this. I smiled back admitting defeat "thank you Mr.afton" I blushed.

"Call me william" I nodded simply, trying not too become a blistering mess.

"Well I'm off" he bowed jokingly "I need to get changed for tonight's big event"


William, noticing  my curiosity spared me the delay and replied "I have a tea party too attend in a bit" he smiled.

"Oh! Is it Elizabeth's party?" I squealed happily. My arms had been in fists raised to my chest in excitement. "No" he replied simply,

"Its actually bellas party, Elizabeth is Merlin her co hostess of the night" he smiled, as he walked away.

I can't leave now..Elizabeth is expecting me at the party. I can't let her down, but would it be weird If i was at micheals house without hanging out with him? Only one way to find out i suppose.

Hey everyone. I'm back. Sorry for the wait in updates. I'm finally home!! So I updated with double chapters. Hope everyone's doing well today✌😁

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now