chapter: 28

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There was a suffocating draft, that seemed to carry from micheals side of the room to the opposite end of mine during the first lecture period, and everyone seemed to notice.

"jeez this is really awkward for you huh (y/n)?" chris snorted, elbowing my side ultimately pulling me back to consciousness. "what, oh yeah- right, awkward" I sighed a bit annoyed. I focused my attention on the book in front of me, the first chapter of engineering basics, this was so dumb. Why did I need to learn about all this stuff again? Its not like im new to this or anything.

I sighed again resting my head in the palm of my hand closing my eyes. "ah, (y/n)!" the professor chimed, earning the curious students attention; maybe in hopes of finding out what earlier ordeal was about. "I have heard amazing things about you from other engineering courses! And I was hoping I would get you this semester, Im excted to see you live up to the amazing things I've heard." I smiled and nodded as a curt thank you, closing my eyes once more, in hopes of loosing the students attention.

The distinct sound of the cheap metal chair wheels were heard, I internally grunted as I realized he wanted to speak more. I sat against the back of the chair, crossing my arms a bit annoyed.

This was so unlike me? I always loved enegeneering class, and now that im not on normal terms with micheal all I can do is think about getting out and going to the next class. It ***** because this is one of the classes I actually genuinely can say I enjoy, unlike stupid classes like math or reading which take up way too much headspace. I smiled apologetically, tilting my head absentmindedly, patiently as he seated himself on the spinning chair. He smiled turning it around so that his chest leaned to the back end, and was able to rest his hands and chin at the top.

"hey there doll" he smiled sweetly. I couldn't help but blush a bit at the petname. His eyes focused soley on me, to which intimidated me bit after this realization. his eyes were a compassionate silver, nothing like the glistening steel that radiated from your aftons. ....huh YOUR AFTONS.. I was snapped from my previous thoughts as I felt a soft tug at my knee. And thee it was, his subtle, large, veiny hand. Now that you were up close and personal you could see just how handsome this man was, with delicately chisled features. "is there anything I can help you with si-"

My eyes widened as the once sitting professor slammed to the floor, as his lanky form made hard contact with the solid ceramic flooring with a wide eyed , and very upset afton standing above him.

Micheal peered down at him, anger apparent in the heat of his cheeks, with thick beads of sweat dripping down his face. It never really took much too upset him, but him call you by HIS pet names? That's a whole other ball game. "micheal what are you-" the admin tried to speak before a heavy hand made contact with his thin cheekbone.

All eyes were focused on him, as he began to relentlessly slam his fists into he soft delicate tissue that made up his instructors face. Blood began too pool on the side if his face, from the clear fracture on his nose.

Panic within the students set in quickly as I realized what I needed to. "micheal!" I screamed, standing up quickly, flinging the chair behind me with no reguard to whom it may hit. It seemed to be of no use calling out to him in hopes of reasoning, as the assaults on your instructor never faltered. "Michael stop!" I yelled once again, wrapping my small arms in an attempt too pull him away, burying my face into his shoulder blades. "please! For me!" at that it seemed to do the trick as he stood from his previous place on the floor. I sighed in relief as I had successfully pulled my ex lover? Ex friend from the altercation.

A loud banging on the class door was heard as all the students ran to their seats and hid their phones from sigh expecting an administrator too walk in. too everyones surprise William had entered seemingly randomly, face red and sweaty from springting. "Michael what the bloody hell, mate?" he huffed as he walked towards us, stopping as we made eye contact. He seemed to survey the surrounding classroom, and came to the obvious conclusion that he beat the sense out of his elder.

"(y/n) he called softly, pulling me by my arms, prying me from his waist. "sweetheart are you-.." small gasps could be heard amongst the crowd of students as the saw me. whats wrong? What did I do? I looked at him confused, "oh wow" I whispered as our faces met... how long had it been since I was this close too him? Since ive seen his big bright beautiful steel pierced eyes? Our faces inched closer...and closer..."darling..." he whispered, oh how I missed his voice, I closed my eyes expectantly. "are you alright? " he questioned gripping my chin tightly tilting it on the side, examining my face. "yeah why wouldn't I be"? I glared "because your nose is bleeding" chris chimed in, seemingly breaking the atmosphere. "dad" Michael started, "how did you know I was in trouble" he panted. William turned to chris who shyly pointed to his phone, in defeat. "micheals a snitch!" Jacob shoutd as everyone began laughing.

"when is admin gonna get here" I sighed tearing my hand from Williams grasp, before walking out sick of the entire situation. "(y/n) wait" William called after, following. 

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