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Holy shit...

The door swung open on its hinges, as a beautiful array of clear glass tiles had began a path accompanied by a small side garden on both sides.

"You have a garden inside your house...?" I asked, slightly amazed. Micheal sighed loudly and replied with a simple "yup". I  held my bag in my arms, squeezing it as hard as I could, trying to make myself as small as possible.

The path led too another door, directly in front of the other, which I was assuming led to the actual house. The glass tiles clinked under my weight, which made me very self conscious. I hadn't been the most prideful and lacked in the self confidence department.

Micheal unlocked the second set of doors, escorting me once again. Now, we were in the kitchen, or was it the living room?  Both! The kitchen had been enormous but subtly switched to a average living room halfway through the room.

Well...average to the upper class neighborhoods...

"Hello mum" Micheal greeted, briskly walking over to his mother, planting a kiss on her cheek, and setting his things on the counter. She simply smiled, as her back was towards you, preoccupied with cooking what I assumed is dinner.

"How was school?" She asked, stirring the food with a wooden ladle. Her attire had been simple, a red long sleeve vee neck, with a black penciled skirt, tied together neatly with simple black Flatts, and an apron around her.

"Good" he replied, eyeing me. "Uh, I brought a friend over.." he stated awkwardly, adjusting his shirt collar. "oh is it diana-" she questioned mid way before pausing. Our eyes met..her piercing crystal onyx eyes met mine. "you have a new girlfriend?" She questioned raising her eyebrow. 

Micheal sighed, squeezing the bridge of his nose. "This is (y/n).. remember? From junior high?" He seemed to squirm under her questions.

Her gaze shifted back and forth, from you too Micheal, "ahhh I remember" she laughed, turning away to attend to the meal on the stove. Her hair had been pinned neatly into a bun, it slightly swayed as she turned her head.

"H-hello..Mrs.afton.." I stuttered softly, releasing my bag for a slight wave. She just nodded silently and continued too cook. Her actions made me uncomfortable, had she not liked me? Did I do something wrong? Was she judging my weight??

"Micheal!" A voice boomed through the room, catching out attentions. "Henry!!" Micheal responded, running to the opposite end of the room. A ginger man had came into view from the entrance of another room. His appearance had been captivating to say the least, He had been tall, taller then Micheal. He bore beautiful basil eyes, with a simple white dress shirt cuffed midway up His arms and yellow overalls. They had what looked to be colorfully painted confetti piece, orange circles, purple swirled ones, and red triangles, accompanied by his fathers signature "Afton robotics" logo on the bib. "I missed you so much!!!" Micheal screeched as he burrowed his face into the man's chest, both locked in each other's embrace. They softly rocked side too side rhythmatticly for a moment.

"Wait if you're here where's dad?!" Micheal questioned, he seemed almost hyper. Henrys smile shifted as his eyes fell on me.

"Yeah, he's in the shower " Henry laughed. "Liz was all over him and spilled some paint on his suit" he cringed "not pretty". Micheal seemed unfazed by his words. "typical Elizabeth" he sighed rolling his eyes, adjusting his shirt.

"My daughter only means well Emily" mrs.afton corrected. Her tone, almost seemed to shatter him, he was definitely a frail man, seeming uncomfortable he acted fast. "Who's this lovely lady?!" Henry questioned, quickly Changing the subject. It was probably for the best, mrs.afton was a tight grip lawyer, notorious for her witts, and relentlessness, it's probably why she's never lost a case.

"Oh!!( Y/n)! This is Henry" he motioned his arm towards the ginger who smiled cheerily reaching his arm out. "Henry this is (y/n) my f- friend .." his words seemed to falter. I reached my camly hand out too meet his. "hello" I greeted. "nice too meet you" I nodded, as he did the same. "nice too meet you!".

As our hands clasped they made a small cupped clapping noise, both our grips firm and tight. "now that's a hand shake!" Henry exclaimed." Finally, a woman who has some meat on her bones" he exclaimed loudly as he squeezed my biscepts. Both arms squeezing me tightly.

"You can blame that on, four years of mechanical engineering in school" I laughed subtly. Henry became slack jawed for a moment, making a 'o' shape with his mouth. "A fellow engineer?" If he was excited before, he was extatic now.

I shifted my weight from one foot to the opposite, Releasing a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. "yeah, I've been in a few robotics competitions, view school. A proud alumni of FIRST, and SA BEST." I mentally padded myseld of the neck, two of my greatest achievements.

"I'm impressed". Someone said in a calm and cool tone.

Oh great another person too meet ,I came here to avoid that...ugh

I mentally sighed and plastered a smile onto my face. I turned around to be met face to face with a rather tall, yet chubby man. His skin had been a silver mother pear, it almost glistened at how pale he was. His eyes, a vibrant steel. Such beautiful silver eyes. Wet, deep chocolate hair, dangled from his face, some bits tangled in each other.

Huh, he kinda looks like Micheal, I'm assuming this is his dad

"Oh-im so sorry" I stuttered, backing away from the door, had I really not moved this entire time?

"No need to apologise, love. No mistakes made here" he smiled. He was very charming, and charismatic. This I knew from countless times Michael had brought him up.

It was a very good quality to say the least, it's probably what made him such a good businessman.

He smiled and stuck his hand out, which I gladly accepted and shook. "God damn Henry, you were right" he confirmed. I felt my face heat up and froze, this was a normal person, normal actions. Why was I so flustered?

"You alright him?" He questioned releasing my hand.

Oh what a rich accent..

I simply blamed it on the Afton charm, and nodded, glancing at Micheal to help me out.

"Hey, it was fun introducing everyone, but we have a project to go do" he pointed to the door, with his thumbs, awkwardly breaking up the situation.

Everyone knew it was a ploy


"It was nice meeting you all" I whispered, luging my bag behind me. I raced across the room, into another with Micheal following.

Wc: 1144
Hey if you're here from my other book, or you're new, I just wanted to say thanks for the support. I'll slowly be updating these stories as of right now I'm currently in a mental health facility. Nothing major. My lifes just been upside lately, and I'm not allowed to use my phone as frequently. Thanks for understanding ❤

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