chapter: 27

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The school bell hand just rung, signaling the beginning of 1st period of the second semester. Robotics, easily your favorite course. But this was senior year, This was when things really begun to turn up, the final year for seniors, as it came to an end and along side it came its many functions

"Hey-" a male voice chirped. I had been lost in thought as my eyes scanned the pages of prom dresses far out of my price range. I jerked my shoulder out of instinct at the contact. "Oh hey" I stuttered, as if caught red handed stuffing the article into my bag

"Uh..what-uh what brings you by" I asked nervously as the small freshman sat beside me.

"Oh what so just cause you dont talk to my brother. That means I cant talk to you?" Chris snickered, as he heaved the heavy chair between his legs to adjust himself. His large dough eyes, crinkled as he smiled, bearing his large uneven crooked teeth. His pale thin form resembled that of younge Micheal, except for the lack of muscle build. His attire seemed to be his usual, a colored shirt with his favorite animatronic foxy, with black cargo pants, folded at the ends.

My eyes scanned around, for no one in particular but almost as if in disbelief. "I-is that what you think?" I quivered.

A loud sigh came from the underclassman, as he arched his back against the back of his chair, and exaggerating a loud sigh. "Your so damn soft get some back bone jeez (y/n)" he laughed, wich ultimately made you laugh in return.

His eyes seem to shift from me too the front of the classroom as his jaw dropped "ALRIGHT!" Chris shouted, as one of his friends walked through the class door. He stood abruptly , making the heavy chair slide with little force earning a scratch from the tiled floor, "JACOB!" he called, as his friend ran towards him, schedule in hand. "Gotta love new semester schedules" jacob laughed as they clasped hands and bumped fists.

I giggled at the boys exchange, and began to shift through my bag that had been seated on the floor between my legs reaching for a notebook.

From this view I could easily see the boys laughing and chatting as jacob took the seat in front of chris. I snickered to myself as I shook my head "those boys"

The class slowly came to the conclusion to quiet down, as the seats began to fill out, and the teacher started his introduction. Mentions of supplies, such as notebooks pencils and others was the starting point.

My eyes began to wonder around the classroom in search of more familiar faces. All came to mind except for the fact that you didnt know them personally.

With a sigh of defeat I watched effortlessly as the instructor taught of this, that, and the other when a knock came at the door.

"So at the end of every week you will turn in your notebooks to this bin so that they may be graded over the weeken-"

Knock knock

He stared at the door in confusion, lowering his glasses and taking a turn at the knob and peering through. He released and opened the door further, revealing no one in my sight, but he began speaking none the less. Nodding and smiling. "Come on in mr.Afton" he smiled. Shaking an oddly pale hand, Micheal briskly walked in, taking no interest in his classmates and seated himself in the front.

His cheeks seemed to be red, as he stared down at the empty desk.

The instructor still seemed to be talking at the entrance, but to whom? None other then the charming mastermind william afton.

"DAD?!" chris smiled, standing once again, waving. "Dad?" I repeated looking ,up from my bag. Micheal looked to his father, only to meet his deadpan look

Williams smile seemed to falter,a bit as our eyes locked. Earning the attention of Micheal.

"Fuck..." I whispered

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now