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"You're joking right?" I snorted, unwillingly as the man held his stomach in pain.

He toppled over seconds prior too tbe exchange of words. He layed In the tent, holding his gut wheezing, as his lungs desperately searched for an oxygen pathway.

"Will- you didnt" I giggled, trying to contain my laughter by covering my mouth.

'I-i -pffft haHahAHa" he repetitively slammed his hand against the tent floor unbearably. " I did-i did-i-i-i ..i swear" he heaved.

I covered my face in embarrassment for the man  0 shame. I liked it.

"Whew- okay, so let me get this straight, y-you asked your wif-fe too Marry you- by-ppfft-HAHAHAH"

the laughter finally escaped my gut as I found it undeniable. The man had explained that he was father by 16 years of age, which was not a problem for him, considering he loves children. His wife on the other hand had not been so fond, and opted to abort Micheal. But that wasn't the funny part, the funny part was william wanting too run away with a 2 year old Micheal, and hiding out in his old treehouse.

Eventually she figured of his wearabouts and returned the baby to his cradle. A manhunt had gone on for a while before they realised they were in the back yard, too scared to say anything in fear of loosing custody.

Whew, "so, you proposed to your wife"

"Uh huh"

"In a McDonald's "


"With a happy meal, in an attempt to keep Micheal"?

"Yeah you got the basic geist of it"

I snorted, covering my eyes in an attempt to escape the mans stupidity.

"You dont marry someone unless you love them will" I snorted out, to which he replied. "I did love her, and still do"

At that moment the weight of things had fit caught up with me, this isnt what I thought it was. Hes not a highschooler. Hes 34, with 3 children, and a wife...

Somewhere in my stupid head, I forgot that. I forgot the important part about how he's my bestfriends dad, and here we were at 2 am in a tent in the middle of nowhere, eating McDonalds.

The weighted pressure in my chest began to sink, consume.

William must have taken notice of this, because he stopped laughing and sat closer too me. "You alright kiddo?" He questioned softly, patting my head.

"I haven't been for a long time" I answered truthfully. My (e/c) eyes met with his steel ones, and they stayed like that. For a long time.

I stayed on my back, as he sat near my head, looking down at me. I wanted to hold his hand again, to feel his warmth. But that was over stepping a whole other boundary, again

As day began to break, I found myself falling asleep, the heating blanket, making it an easier trip on my legs, as he plugged it into the cars charging ports.

We drove home in silence, it was nice, there was comfort in no words.

"Do you wanna come over?" I can make you breakfast. Sure it's still early but-" I nodded softly, smiling at him as I caught with my eyelids to stay open. "Okay then"


The mans strength had been un underestimated value in his build, as I hung onto him. We roamed the empty halls , passing familiar doors, and some not so recognizable until we stopped upon an orange painted gloss.

He quickly unlocked the door, and led us inside. The room had schematics of all kinds littering the room. "Sorry for the mess" he stated tiredly.

The room was composed of a queen bed on the left corner, with a dresser on one side, and a vanity mirror on the other. On the opposing side if the room, was a large desk that had paper littered every where.

At least it's only his workspace.

He layed me down gently, the warmth of his arms leaving me for a cold mattress. The reality of the situation hit me. "I feel like a homewrecker"

He merely laughed at the statement as he went to retrieve another blanket from the closet. "Your partner has to care for that too happen" he added softly.

My gaze shifted towards him, his eyes fell too the floor, as he placed another blanket on me, and began to exit the room.

I grabbed his wrist in a haste, he looked back for a moment "i-im sorry I didnt-...." my voice tripled of as I began to break.

He smiled sweetly. Sitting at the edge of the bed. "Its alright sweetheart it's not your fault. It's been years, I've made my peace with her"

Tears began to sting my eyes as I refused to let then fall. Pulling him into a embrace, I layed on him. His body felt tense against mine.

Eventually his arms found their way too my waste. He relaxed, as his hand snaked it's way up my hoody. I tensed as he did this, I wasn't sure if he was aware of my lack of clothing underneath, but relaxed once I realised his intentions were pure.

He rubbed small circles into my back, hand caressing the smoothed dip in my back. My hoody decided to ascend higher, exposing my bottom, and bra. I could care less though, I felt safe. Safer then I was with Micheal.

He adjusted me, setting my legs on his sides, as my arms wrapped around his  neck. He felt so warm and welcoming. How could Mrs.Afton not love him?

"I'm not the only lonley one here then huh?" He question. I shook my head in response

"Its hard...loving someone and they dont love you back" he stated simply.

"Loving someone so much, going through everything together only for them to get bored of you, because you were kids"

There was a pained look in his eyes as he stared up at the ceiling. "Its hard loving someone you know you can never have. Someone who's always there, just out of grasp. Watching them love someone else while you...die" I chimed in.

He exhaled loudly, before sighing. "I guess were alike in that way" his grip seemed to stiffen. I looked up at him, unable to tear my eyes away from him. He studied your features, memorizing the way your lips moved and curled around certain words, the expressiveness of your eyes that gave away how you felt. He could watch you forever and never be bored.

In the midst of your rant, pieces of your hair had come loose, falling into your face. Before you could push them back, william had reached out and gently tucked them behind your ear, causing you to pause in your speech as your heart skipped a beat, your face pinking.

His lips seemed so soft, his loving. "W-william...?" I spoke softly. His eye met mine as all emotion left his face, "what's up?" He whispered.

When he realized what he had done, his face formed a violent blush to match yours, his heart thundering as hard as it usually does after a satisfying performance with golden bonnie. The way you looked up at him through your long, dark lashes with those disorienting doe eyes brought a surge of courage within him.

I hesitated for a moment, drinking in his relaxed manner.

"C-can....can I-"

"Please..." he spoke softly. He had read my thoughts before I even had the chance to debate weather i wanted to go through with them or not.

His hand found it's way too my face, it felt warm, gentle mostly, while his other hand tightened pulling my closer to his face.  My body felt....soft

His touch was so relaxing. Intoxicating, I couldn't help but pull him closer. It felt like a decade before our lips actually collided, they danced softly together

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now