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It had been two days since you and Micheal had been friends again, but he was still hesitant towards you. He was often on his phone texting, rather then paying you any mind.

It was still the same as before...he was still distant.

More often then not you found yourself bored in his presence, as he did little to respond to any sort of your attempts at communication, with small nods and grunts.

One day you found yourself at the afton residence spending the night, as you had been caught up in a late night snowstorm, blocking off roads and such after an extensive study session.

After texting your parents/guardians your be spending the night, you found yourself distraught.

Someone else had arrived too the residence, someone you abhorred with your entire being. It was silly of you really, too think that he chose you.

When in fact he was simply making amends, to ease his guilt trip.

A burning sensation filled your chest as realization hit you

She'll be spending the night, just as you will..who's too say that the storm will break come morning time??

The guest bedroom was cold, silent, still. The loud gusts of wind could be heard fanning by, from the window above you.

How warm she must be, snuggled up too his side, under the same sheets as him. Jealousy beginning to sting the brims of your eyes as you reached into your bag, and fish out the only itam that ever seemed to give you comfort any more.

The goody was warm, as always. The thin sheets complimented it as the fabric kissed your skin. Who needed an afton when you had this bad boy?

The silence was disturbed as tapping on the guest door could be heard.

"(Y/n)? " william called.

"Come in" I answered softly, sitting up in the bed, attempting to adjust the hoody, as too not show the lack of clothing beneath it.

"I brought you some more blankets" he stated sweetly. His eyes flickered from the blankets too you, stopping as he realised what you had on.

A nervous look appeared on his face, as he tapped his foot on the door way, making sure no one was approaching before stepping in.

"Oh, thank you, I was kind of chilly" you admitted sheepishly, rubbing your arm in embarrassment.

A small blush crept onto his face, as he realised he had stuck you into the coldest room in the house. "W-would you like too sleep in my room?" He offered shly, rubbing the back of his neck.

I shifted in my position awkwardly.

"Wouldnt it be awkward with you and your wife...-" he waved his arms around frantically

"Oh n-n-n-n-no sweetheart, me and my wife dont sleep together anymore, we're actually uh..." he trailed off looking around the room, as if in search for the proper words.
"Were not Together, any more " he phrased.

I raised my head nodding, mouthing 'ahh'in understanding. "Is this what you were telling me about when we were out?"

He nodded, sighing in relief that you understood. "Exactly, I dont mind sleeping on the couch" he smiled.

"I'd like too but I dont feel comfortable letting you sleep on the couch" I admitted. In all honesty, i hated being the reason someone felt uncomfortable, especially in their own home.

"Here, since I see were not gonna come to aconclusion, hows about we share the bed?" He offered politely.

I clearly didnt want him on the couch, he didnt want me in the cold room. So this was perfect.

"Okay" I nodded smiling, gathering my things before being escorted outside the room.

A/N: okay guys so the next chapter is a fat ass smut chapter, oh yeah spoiler alert, ahahaha
I won't include it as a notification, due too it being 18+ soooooo I'm going to include a tag list of people who would like to read the chapter.

I'm going too leave a comment, please reply too it with a '❤'if you'd like me too add you too said list that way youd be notified when the chapter is uploaded.

Please dont have conversations on the taglist comment! This is strictly for reading purposes alone, if you do start a conversation on it you will be blocked/muted immediately with will result in not being able too read the story any further. thank you for your time!

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