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I suppose I became lost in thought as william came back through the door, again wearing his green plaid pajamas and grey sweater. He looked so fragile, and his doughy midsection gave him the "good guy" vibe.

"Hey" I smiled weekly, raising my eyes from the coasters.

There was an awkward silence before he spoke again. "Thanks for tonight, no one really plays with Elizabeth, shes an only daughter, and my youngest is far too shy to interact with most kids." He smugly crossed the room and patted my head, giving my hair a small ruffle.

He really did look like Micheal, although the bags under his eyes, and stronger jawline gave him a more thinner structure he was handsome just the same. "It was no problem, I love lizzy" I blushed.

The silence overwhelmed the room, before Diana's and Micheal moans escaped  the ceiling again.

I couldn't hide the jealousy that crept onto my face, for diana. Why did Micheal have to be oblivious to my feelings? Did he not know how I felt?

Maybe he did but never returned them.

I sat in silence wagering my subconscious thoughts and their probabilities. A warm feeling crept into my hand, instinctively I squeezed it softly, my eyes flickered too afton.

He smiled appologeticly, as if reading my thoughts. "Would you like me to drive you home since Micheal is-....busy?" He questioned politely.

I nodded, realizing time had slipped before I had even the smallest chance to recognize it. "If it's not a bother too you?" It came out more of a question rather then a compliance.

"C'mon, love. I'll take you home" he motioned his hand as he stood from his seat, and retrieved the keys from his pyjama pants.


As If the night wind wasn't bitter enough, William's car smelt of spearmint. I shuddered as we drove down the long empty highway,which was usually crowded and lit up by carlights. But it was a friday, everyone hurried home to rest for the weekend too come.

My bag rested between my feet as I rubbed my arms in an attempt to warm them up. William quickly took notice, and turned the heat up.

"I think were gonna get rain tonight, maybe some sleet in the morning" he commented.

I stared out the window, emotinlessly. I couldn't tear my thoughts from hearing Micheal climax in desperation. "A left here" I stated quietly, almost inaudable over the sound of the cars heater ejecting air currents violently.

"The small White House up on your left" i added. The car came too a slow stop as i unbuckled, william quickly did the same as he raced around the car too open my door. My face was immediately met with an icy breeze.

"Th-thank you Mr.Afton" I shuddered out, retrieving my bag, from the base of the car floor. I realised he left his car door open, as well. If the car held any warmth before, it was all gone now.

As I retrieved my bag and stood, my eyes were met with william, mid strip.  His shirt had caught on his hoody lifting it, revealing his stomach.

Perhaps it was the clothes, or the assumption and layering of his clothing, but seeing him was just so adorable.

I tore my gaze away as he handed me his hoody "here, you look cold" he offered. A mild heat had found it's way too my face "n-no its okay, you're gonna get cold too if you-" he cut me off. "No, I insist, I'm not gonna let you go till you do".

I set my bag at my feet, as I slipped the large oversized hoody onto myself. It smelled of his cologne. "Thank you william" I whispered as my face absentmindedly found intsway deeper into the warm piece of clothing.

I hugged him softly, wrapping my arms around his torso, burying my face into his stomach. Wow was this man tall.

He humbly accepted the hug and returned it "sleep well tonight" he hummed.

After releasing him I lugged my bag back onto my shoulder, and smiled again. Forgetting about the agitating night with Micheal "I'll give it too Micheal so he can return it to y-" he waved his hand at me "no no, keep it. It looks better on you anyways" he smirked.

I nodded and waved goodbye. As he drove away, and hurried inside.

"Wow" was all I could say as I entered my house

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now