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Hey love, I hope you have a good morning, remember to eat lots and stay hydrated @7:16am

Dont forget to take your vitamins @7:36am

Also, dont forget your library access card, you always forget it  but if you're already out the door, you can just use mine:))@7:43am

I saw you in the hall today, was that a new top? Orange looks amazing on you @10:17am

Would you like to have lunch with me today? We can go to our spot and get the usual:) @12:32pm

Hey love, you forgot some notebooks at my house, I'm gonna drop them off:) @4:57pm

Why isnt shes answering her phone? Well I know the answer...I'm just getting flustered at the fact that shes not responding.

Micheal sat outside her house, his cars engine had been turned off,  he had been there for a good 15 minuets or so trying to muster up the courage too take in her things. They were things she didnt need, but were the perfect excuse to talk too her. Sighing in defeat he grabbed the small bundle of notebooks and exited his car, and made his way up her porch steps.

He stared at the window reflection, adjusting his hair, and dress shirt. He hadn't understood why he was nervous too see his long time best friend. It was just like any other visit, maybe it wa sthe butterfly's in his stomach, or the dry itchy feeling in his throat, either way. He was nervous


"Its open" a small voice called. He knew it very well, but it was off. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the knob softly turning it 

The cool September air began to blow roughly, as he hurried inside and closed it behind him. The house had come too recognise as a second home, had began to settle around him. He knew (y/n)'s parents weren't home, not right now at least, as they usually took the dayshift and would return during the darkest if hours.

As his eyes scanned the the framed photos on the wall, he mindlessly began walking along the hall. The soft clicking of his dress shooes could be heard as they rythmaticly synchronized with his tempo and speed. He gazed at the childhood photos of them, laughing and playing with one another, and for a moment, just a moment. He forgot all the pain he had caused.

It wasnt until he heard the small sizzling echoes of food hitting the pan, that he was torn from his thoughts.

"Hey lovebug" I couldn't help but stare at her form. She looked slimmer..

Had she been eating properly? It's only been a month...

I approached her, she hadn't even looked back, maybe she didnt want too  I'm okay with that I just needed to see her, it was the longest I had gone without talking too her. I missed her so much, I couldn't help but think of her.

Strangely I found myself thinking of her more often then not. When I'm doing home work, eating, sleeping...jerking.

I wanted to take her out for her birthday but she politely declined. It was the only time she responded too me. Three simple words "no thank you"

I walked up behind her, a bit noisily so she wouldn't be startled by my presence. She was only wearing that grey hoody and her underwear.

She looks so pretty, it raised my seritonin...and a few other things.

She seemed so lifeless, I couldn't help it  I set the notebooks on the table behind her.

She cracked an egg into the hott pan, my arms found their way around her waste, she seemed too melt into it as she moved the pan off the burner and hold my arms even tighter against her.

I knew it...she missed me

Normal pov

His arms were warm, welcoming. I whenever meant to say any of those things to him. I was just angry, and I wanted too admit it, but somewhere those words were lost amongst my pride.

I felt the warmth of his breath along my nape, I would've welcomed him sooner. But I figured if he didnt talk to me, he would've thought the same.

In my hearts haste, I found myself turning around and embracing him. His breathe hitched, as it bucked up and down. I couldn't hold my own breath, I soon discovered this as hiccups burned my chest.

Micheal kisses you for the first time when he’s finally sure. he’s not keen on rushing into anything, and the last thing he wants is to jeopardize your friendship with an impulsive liplock, but it’s been months and his heart still skips a beat at the sound of your voice; his face still burns at the sight of your smile. he’s in love, and there’s no safety net to slow his fall, only an inevitable, wonderful realization waiting at the bottom that he’s sure about you. and there’s only one thing left for him to do.

"Im sorry my love..I...I'm sorry"

His broad arms found their way around me, before my legs wrapped themselves around his waste. He felt warm, welcoming, almost as much as his lips.  carrying me up too my room.
"Ill leave when you fall asleep" he whispers, which proves to be a lie, because you completely lose track of time when he hooks a gentle finger beneath your chin — and lowers his lips to yours.

Hey AN here. I kinda like this domestic shit, do y'all want the who serial killer aspect of the aftons? If not I can keep going as is, cause I see quite a bit of you like it. But if not I got some wack ass plans just lmk in the comments and I'll update next week. I've fed you horny children enough

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