chapter: 24

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"youre a minor...?" his eyes stayed glued too the small girls frame.

"that's disgusting.."




first week: wake up, go to school, come home, eat, get comfy in bed... cry myself to sleep

second week: wake up, go to school, come home ,get comfy in bed, ... cry about William, sleep

first month: wake up, get comfy in bed... cry about william, sleep

5th week: eat get comfy in bed ..sleep

6th week: cry about William......try to sleep

7th week: cry,,,pass out from headache exhaustion

theres a cold feeling consuming my form, it was different then before. before It was tingling, and with tingling there was feeling. but now that's something I relished to feel.

I miss them so much...too much

don't you remember what they did too you?

how they used you?

how they sat there and spat nothings too your face, and made you think they cared for you? you seriously don't love them do you?

do you really think they love someone as pathetic as yo-

"hey sweetheart, im going to the store wanna come with"? mom stood at the doorway, holding her grocery list in hand eyeing it carefully to check if she missed something.

I rolled over on my side, facing away from her so as to not alarm her of my current state. "yeah mom id love too!" I pipped in cheerfully as I faced the wall with tears streaming down my face. "just let me get dressed" I added with a simple nod, she turned leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

i gotta keep up apperences or people will become suspicious.

throwing my legs off the side of the bed, hoisting myself up i eyed the mirror. Williams jacket dangling from my now slimmer form, with a stolen pair of his socks hanging loosely at my ankles.

its probably best if i put some pants on.....

the drive too the store was one sided, as my mom spoke of random nothings about her work place all the way up until the store entrance. "sweetheart, go get a shopping cart" she said curtly before turning back to her list. as i walked too the side isle to get one phone buzzed, hmm odd

1 new message: unknown number


stowing the device back into my jeans, i grabbed the cart and ran with it back to my mom, setting my feet on the bottom racking and ridding it like a scooter. mom simply laughed as i guided it back

that was fun



i steered the cart as mom tossed things into the cart

fruits, check

meats, check

snacks, check

all we need left is the toiletrys and frozen goods, both being located in the back of the store

"damn it,,, they don't have the toilet paper your dad likes" she stated frustrated. sighing she grabbed an alternative. 'i guess this one will have to do" she pouted throwing it in. "how does this fabric softener smell?" i sighed leaning against a rack of dryer sheets "that ones fine mom" i brushed her off.

why was i being mean to my own mom? i need to cool it, she dosent know anything that's going on and im the one to blame for it. oh wow shes talking to me and im not even paying attention-

" when was your last one?" she asked, there was a strained look on her face. "uh... im sorry mom i zoned out can you repeat that?" i asked sheepishly

" are you feeling okay? you've been off since we got here, even on the way over here" she added.

"yeah im totally fine, im just thinking about something my teacher said in my class the other day" i lied, wow that came out a little too easy. i didn't like it, especially since it was towards my own mother whom wanted nothing more then to know if i was fine.

"oh okay, don't stress to much or youll burn yourself out" she laughed 'anyways like i was asking, when was your last period"?

my blood ran cold, it wasn't a question i was prepared for i really should have been paying better attention. i played my lack of knowledge off as thinking. i had never missed my period, even before her question why hadn't i noticed it myself?

was i really so out of it that i remembered a ntural bodily function via my mother?

"uhm about a week or so ago" i lied again, "it was pretty light"

" okay, alright" she continued walking "pads or tampons?"

the carts wheel squeaked against the tiled floor rolling back and forth lopsidedly, we always got the messed up cart...

a child could be heard crying from down the isle as her mother shushed her over and that what im going to go through..?

stop, just stop you don't even know if that's it...

"both" i finally replied as she scooped them off the shelf

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now