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(F/n)- full name

It all made sense, why Micheal stopped having lunch with me. The small visits disappeared, and with that other small things. He stopped dropping me off at home after school, why he stopped talking in the hallways.

He simply ignored me, I always had assumed it was because highschool called for more then just in school hours, especially your senior year. I understood that much at least. wasn't until I saw her, that it all made sense. Their arms linked with one another. A small crowd gathered around. A clique, if you will

I wasnt sure what pressured me into going over there, but i wanted to talk too him. The small group had been laughing and chatting, what was he still doing here? It was already 1:30, and he had early release, and was relieved an hour or so ago. His mother  usually had picked him up by now.

My hands gripped the straps of my bag, anxiety growing with each step, as I approached him. One took notice, informing the others of my arrival.

"Hey Mike" I smiled, waving happily. They group grew quiet, he looked agitated. "Hey (f/n)" he spoke monotonly.

(F/n)? What? What happened to darling. Or sweetheart?

"What's up?" I choked, earning a muffled laughter from a few of the males. I eyed them wearily as one spoke up. "Sweet thing, we dont want trouble" he edged.


The male laughed, covering his mouth looking too the girl rolling her eyes. "Leave" she spoke, a dark tone in her voice. Her voice pierced through my ears like steel, stronger then micheals eyes.

"I wasnt talking to y-" I was cut short as a foot made hard contact with my chest sending my into the lockers behind me. "I know you weren't talking too me, but i was talking to you dumbass" diana growled.

The right center of my back had became numb as it made hard collision with the locking machinism

My vision was weary. Laughter along with 'oooh's and ahh's" could be heard from the growing crowd. I looked up too see Micheals eyes, wide and filled with worry.

Yet...he didnt move. If it wasnt for his eyes, youd think he was unphased. He made no attempt too help me, instead he stood by diana. With a satisfied smiled on her face.

"C'mon" was all she said before walking away. But not Micheal. He stood, diana sighed, realizing what she had done too the full extent.

"Its her or me afton" she warned. Micheal blinked, walking away from the scene, as he glanced at me with apologetic eyes. And that's when I felt hope slipped away from me faster then I had been slammed. My rock, my first love, my only hope..literally walked away.

I'm not diana..

Because to Micheal, she was better, she succeeded where I failed. The crowd began to disassemble.

I stood, eyes never leaving the floor. I stared down the hall too the exit, as the bell rang, excusing me for the day.

"That's a perk of early release I suppose.."


Walking...walking. I walked, just like I always did. Down the hall....down the road...just walking.

What is this? This liquid stinging my eyes? Tears? No..the aftermath of betrayal. That's all it was. The floor hand never been so appealing.

I couldn't look up, every time I did something bad happened. Someone hurts me or leaves..and I'd just end back up where i am now.

Mindlessly i wandered the streets, debating on what to do next. I felt the hum of a car approach me  an all too familiar one.

"(Y/n)!" Micheal yelled, exciting his car, and slamming the door. William had parked the car close to the curb with an annoyed look on his face, he seemed piss to say the least.

His face seemed worried, it probably wasnt about me. I knew how he felt. I dont matter to him, but why did he look so sad?

"(Y/n) .." heaved, had he been running? "Look at me sweetheart" he panted, as his hands reached for my face, so our eyes could meet. He was sweaty, but how? It was so cold outside.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt? Did you-" his hands felt warm against the bitter breeze, as I touched them.

"Dont worry about me" I whispered removing his hands. His face turned sour, as he attempted too read me.

"I always worry about you my love" he whispered, his forhead met mine, as I felt his hands grip my hair, he was desperate.

My love..?

I smiled, I wanted to believe he cared for me. I wanted to believe he loved me...but I knew he was just feeding his words to me. Trying to ease my sorrows. Was it for my benefit or to ease his guilt?

I removed his hands from me, holding them close, as I embraced him. His body relaxed, his strength consuming my small form.

I pulled away from him after a moment, tears had been flowing from from his sockets as he smiled.

"I forgive you" I whispered. Our bodies melded, as his hands caressed me my cheeks. Gosh was it cold

"I'm so sorry-so, so sorry my love.." a small sob choked from his throat. He had been crying. "I love you so, so much I-"

I placed a finger too his mouth, silencing him. "Dont say that...dont get my Hope's up. Dont say it unless you mean it"

Micheals eyes froze, as I freed myself of his limbs and began walking away.

"Wh-where are you-" he began to fumble with his words, as he followed. "Hom" I simply replied.

A small tugging on my sweater stopped me in my tracks. "L-let me give you a ri-" "no" I cut him off

"(Y/n) please..." he begged.

"Micheal.." I began. Turning around facing him, "I forgive you...but that dosent mean I can forget..that dosent mean I want to be friends anymore. I'm hurting. I believed in you, in us..but as always I'm wrong. It's because of people like you, that I never trust anyone." I whimpered.

He stared, those damn eyes... I felt uneasy as his grip tightened. He seemed to shake before letting go.

He began walking away, he knew he had lost and you knew it too, but why did it hurt when he gave up so easily..?

Come back...please..fight for me to stay ..please...for us..?

I knew they were gone when I could no longer hear the hum of the car. And that's when I knew he wouldn't come back....

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now