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I jolted upwards on my bed, as the nightmare released me, glad something materialistic woke me from my hell.

My phones ringer, had been set too the highest volume, next too my head on accident. Originally I and meant to turn up my volume and listen to my music, but I suppose I fell asleep long enough for it too reach the end.

The phones bright screen had dimmed, as it faced upwards onto my ceiling casting shadows, before it finally turned back off.

"Who the hell is texting me right now?" I groaned, extremely annoyed. I grabbed the small device, turning it on, wincing at the led, screen.

******* @11:57pm
'Hey jellybean are you up?"

I stared confused at the text I had recieved, still frigid from my abrupt awakening. My eyes surveyed the message, before unlocking the phone.


I layed back, dragging down the notification to answer it, but found my whimsical fingers decided against it by pressing 'call'


In a panic I fumbled with the device, attempting to hang up


'Beep beep beep'

Fuck..I hung up on him. I let the device fall to my chest. Oh gosh that was super rude, and calling him this late? I was definitely gonna be scolded by him in the morn-


The device began to vibrate again, except I was on the receiving end of the call. I stared at it for a moment, hoping the buzzing would stop, while mustering up the courage to answer it.


"Hello?" My voice sounded frail, as if saliva threatened to choke me but wasn't quite far enough in my throat to do so yet.

"Hey.." his voice sounded deep, raspy almost. In all honesty he sound like he had just woke up.

".....d-did you need somthing..will?" My voice was trembled, I was frightened that he would scold me for calling so late.

His laughter broke the tension, "hahaha, you called me, remember?". I shifted in the mans clothing uncomfortably. "Y-yeah hand slipped"

"Sure, 'slipped' " he teased. My face began to burn, as my voice caught in my throat.


There was a bit of a pause before he spoke again, the awkwardness trickled back in.

"Do I scare you..?" His voice was hoarse.

The small crackles of his phone, moving and adjusting could be heard. His breathing was very faint.

"Yes..." I admitted shyly. My sounded timid, like a life changing decision in a second, my fingers fidgeted on the small phone. "But it's only because I admire you.." I stuttered.

I held my breath, as I began to speak faster then I had anticipated too. "I dont want to mess up in front of you, and loose whatever image you have of me with a stupid action " my shoulders had tensed up, it felt like my entire body had been cramping up.

I exhaled loudly, as I threw my head back in shame. The phone was silent, quiet. For a moment I was sure he hand hung up on me. Every second of silence had made blood vessels in my body constrict to a point of exhaustion.

"That's not what I meant by 'scare'but I'm glad you admire me," he let out a low raspy chuckle.

"Seeing you...makes me feel tingly". I admitted. It was a burning uncomfortable sensation. Like when you were young doing something fun and exciting when you know it would get you in trouble with your parents.

Not the same scenario. But the same feeling sensation.

"Thank you..." I whispered. A subtle chuckle came from his throat. "For?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the awkward silence, I held the phone to my chest as if giving it a hug. "For actually acknowledging my existence" I laughed, choking on a sobb.

William quickly realised what was going on, he had felt them himself, although yours was not as severe, he knew a panic attack when he heard one.

"Get on some warm clothes, I'm coming to pick you up"  was all he said before hanging up. I stared at the screen, unbreathing.


My mind tried too process what had been going on, multiple thoughts raced here and there. Before I knew it I saw carlights pull up too the drive way, headlights shining through my window.

I stared at myself in the small mirror mounted the the west wall. I was in nothing more then red ankle socks and his sweater.

All I wanted too do was burst through the window and jump into his car.

I better not keep him waiting..

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now