chapter:20 (18+)

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Here you were back in the sweet little room, taking notice of the newly cleaned desk, and plopping the bag beside it. "My back is killing me" headmitted, rubbing his temples.

"C'mon love, sleeping time" he motioned too the bed, still holding the extra blankets. He looked tired, more tired the he was letting on.

The bed was a bit high, as I set a knee onto it pulling myself up, well aware my undergarments were exposed.

Please dont notice please dont notice..

A simple hum came from him, I stopped too look at him,only too find his face buried in the blankets.

I think he noticed...

I finished topping the bed, closer to the wall end. He sat on the edge taking off his slippers and climbing in himself.

Mid blanket adjustment he realised how close you clung too the wall, chuckling too himself before speaking. "I dont bite (y/n) you dont have to glue yourself too the wall" his accent more apparent, as his sleep deprivation grew.

"I-i knew that" you state Awkwardly prying yourself away. He chuckled dissmisivley turning off the lamp too the bedside table, tucking himself in 


It was quiet, dark, and quite frankly still cold.

'I'll just ask for another blanket' you thought, turning over to face him. He had also been facing away from you. 'Dammnit what if hes asleep?'

You sighed Turning back over in defeat.




The room grew colder, and darker, as snow blocked out the only available source of light from the window.

It was really dark now, not a visible outline of william could be seen in the room. You hated the dark. The scenario of being in unfamiliar territory, in the dark only added too the anxiety that grew in the pit of your stomach.

Your feet began too numb, especially your toes, as the bitter wind picked up outside.

The temptation to awake william for warmth was growing, the only thing stopping you was feeling of being too needy. You didnt want to be the one to wake him especially since earlier he had been complaining of back problem-

Everything stopped, all thoughts and reflexes came to a halt as the feeling of his warm hand came into brief contact with your exposed side.

"Hmm?" He groaned softly, waking a bit startled. Your eyes focused in his general direction, not knowing where exactly he was due too the lighting situation.

"(Y/n)...?" He called softly, his voice low and soft. The feeling of his hand patting against the bed in an attempt too find you was prominent as he called out your name a bit louder "(y/n)..?"

"Y-yeah?" You called softly, just above a whisper reaching out too meet his grasp.

As your skins made contact, a small tingling sensation vibrated amongst your hand as warmth irradiated from it. "You're freezing love" he gasped in horror as he pulled you closer.

As you wriggled your way too him in the bed, the closer you got the warmer he grew. In a haste he wrapped his arms around you, rubbing them tenderly in an attempt to warm you up.

"You should have told me you were cold kitten" he scolded. His warmth enveloped you, absentmindedly entangling your legs with his as you buried your face in his chest.

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