That's Enough

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I felt sick to my stomach, knowing what I did. I can't bring myself to even kiss Kylo now. I feel dirty. I had another man's hands on me, and I know I can't tell Kylo he will kill Bill, and I can't let that happen. He's one of my closest friends. I was making the kids a snack when Kylo walked in and put his arms around me. "Hey baby," he whispered, kissing my neck. A chill went up my spine, "Hello".

I finished cutting the veggie tray and plated them up.

"What's going on with you?" he asked, concerned.

"Nothing, just a little busy," He eyed me curiously. "Well, you act like I'm just a lamp whenever we are in the same room together. I know something is going on. You're hiding something." I rolled my eyes, "I'm not hiding anything, so back off."

He held up his hands in defense.

"I'm sorry, I'm just in a bad mood." I turned around and put my arms around his neck. I got on my tiptoes and kissed him. "Really, I'm sorry, Daddy."

I gave him a little wink and a smile. He didn't look convinced, so distraction was my new tactic. "Any news about the rebels and such?" He laughed, "Rebels and such? We have word they might try and attack soon but we're ready for them." I shook my head and brought the kids their snacks. "Here, ya little carrot monsters." They giggled and took the plates.

Just then, General Pryde, the general that replaced Hux, stepped in through our front door.

"My Lady, we have a prisoner in the torture chamber. He was part of the group that got away earlier."

I felt my hand make a fist, and a juice glass on the counter cracked. My mind thought about Marie running off with those fools, betraying me....betraying my husband...betraying the First Order.

"My Lady, we can arrange a time fo-"

"I'm going now," I cut him off, grabbing my saber. I walked out before Kylo could say anything. I didn't even bother putting on my torture outfit.


I walked into the chamber, my saber already fired up. I found out the prisoner's name was Pat. He looked worn out; some of the storm troopers already beat him up pretty good.

"You won't get any information out of me," He insisted, panting from the beating.

"I don't want information," I remarked, and it was the truth. I didn't want anything from him. I just wanted this man in front of me to die. He deserved it, for serving such a despicable group called the Resistance.

"Then you can let me go," said Pat, looking up at me. He seemed to be begging.

I walked around him, then used the saber to cut his arm. He cried as a huge gash/burn formed on the side of his arm. I would normally feel pleasure at this point, but I felt nothing.

"Not a chance in hell," I said, coldly. I stomped on his hand, breaking it, then pushed him to the ground. I wasn't feeling any pleasure at all from this. What the fuck??

Getting angry, I ran my saber through his chest. I stared into his eyes, watching his life leave his body. "Rebel scum, all of you," I said to his face as he died.

That wasn't enough. I began slashing him, cutting off his arms. It just made me angrier. I cut off his legs, his head, blood splattered all over me and it just made me angrier. Fucking bitch thinks she can just walk out on my base. FUCKING BITCH!

It got to a point where you couldn't really tell it was a body anymore. I kept slashing and slashing until the floor was painted red. I didn't even hear someone come in, shaking my arm.

"Alex! ALEX! THAT'S ENOUGH ALEX!!!!" Kylo screamed, pulling my bloody self up to look at him. I felt my throat hurting, I didn't realize I was screaming. Kylo looked almost terrified. Why? I was just killing like always.

"T....take her to get cleaned...." Kylo trembled to say, "The children can't see her like this."

"Yes sir," said the knights. Kylo was now looking behind me, at the mess I made. He looked scared. This was freaking me out, Kylo never looked afraid, ever. He never trembled his words.

I was led to a shower room that the superiors use. The knights cleared everyone out so I could have it to myself. I stepped into the shower room, and that's when I saw myself in the mirror.

My entire robes were painted red, and my hair was completely soaked with blood. It looked like I literally took a blood bath. My skin was covered, everything was. My eyes looked exhausted. I stepped back, surprised. Now I know why Kylo looked at me with fear.

I never took my eyes off myself as I undressed. The blood even made its way to my bare body under my robes. Fuck, I was going to need a new uniform. I left the clothes on the floor and walked over to a shower head, turning the water on.

The heat scared me, so I aggressively turned it to cold. I let the freezing cold water wash over my body. I didn't clean myself, just let the water remove all the blood on its own.

"That's how I like to see you," said a voice.

I opened my eyes, and Pennywise was in the mirror, watching me shower. It startled me, yet my body didn't react. I just stared at him.

"Yes...all covered in delicious flesh and blood. Well done my kitten, you murdered him good."

I heard a faint voice. I wasn't sure what was said, I thought it maybe said, Master, let me see...

I blinked, and then Pennywise was replaced by Hux. Yeah, I must have gone crazy. Hux's mouth was covered in blood, which dripped down the front of him. He looked like he just finished eating, licking his fingers clean from blood.

"Oh fuck my lady..." he said, "Let me lick all that off you."

I could only react by blinking. I had no idea what was even real anymore.

"Look what you do to me Alex," He said, running a hand over himself.

The shower room door suddenly opened, and Kylo stepped through.

"Alex...." he said. My attention went to him, water still running over me.

He slowly stepped over to me and shut the water off, now standing in front of my wet, naked body.

I looked behind him back at the mirror. There was no one there. Only the image of Kylo and me stared back at us.

My eyes slowly moved up to his.

"I'm...I'm sorry" was all I could say.

He put his hands on each side of my face, then kissing my forehead, "It's okay. I just...I didn't want Blake seeing you like that..."

I let out a deep breath, nodding, "I wanna go home..." I mumbled.

"Okay," Kylo replied, wrapping a towel around me. "I'll give you a proper bath."

"I'll bathe alone," I said. He looked disappointed when I said that. I didn't want to touch Kylo still. I didn't even want to be hugged by Bill.

Kylo took my hand and led me out the shower room as the last of Pat's blood fell down the drain.

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