Ashes to Ashes

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I sat in the small hospital room, leaning on Kylo's shoulder. Blake was with the other kids in the learning center, and Elias was sitting on the edge of Bill's bed just watching him breathe. "This is my fault, Kylo. I should never have brought them here. I was selfish, and now everything is fucked." He gripped my hand tight. "It's not selfish you missed your friend, and what happened was on her. My love, she's the one who left us." I know all the things he said were technically correct, but I feel like a monster right now. "I drove her to it. I'm a monster not just to her but everyone...even you." He narrowed his eyes, but his thoughts told me a different story. He was the one intimidated by me now when it used to be the opposite. I abruptly stood, moving to sit by Elias and putting my arm around him. "Thinking about Mommy, are you?" I asked in a soothing tone. "Yeah...." He almost whispered, just looking down at his shoes. "Do you miss her?" I didn't have to hear his answer to know he did. "Yeah..." I could also tell he was hesitant to talk about her. I couldn't tell why but he was. "Do you not wanna talk about her?" He looked at me this time with the same serious look his father sometimes gets, which made me smile.

"No, I know you hate her." That stung, I won't lie, but the truth is I don't know if I hate Marie or not, but he doesn't need to know that. "I don't hate her, honey." He didn't buy it, but he wasn't going to talk anymore about it. He suddenly got this look on his face and was staring at a corner in the room. My mind was moving all over the place these last few hours, but one voice became more precise than the rest. He was talking to Elias through his mind, but I heard it, and then Bill started shaking. Elias began muttering to Bill, and that's when the shaking got worse. "What's happening to him??? MEDICAL WHERE ARE YOU??" a nurse ran into the room in a panic, and Elias started to freak out. I asked him what happened, and he said a scary clown put a needle in Daddy's arm. He kept asking me questions, so I practically pushed him towards Kylo. "FUCK. GET HIM OUT OF HERE."

The nurse looked him over and paged a doctor. "LISTEN, YOU SICK FUCKING SON OF A BITCH SHOW YOURSELF," I screamed into the air to no response. "AHHHHHHHHH," I shouted again, causing my hands to heat a little. "Calm down, Alex." I kept repeating to myself. What can you do? I had an idea, and hopefully, it will work. I climbed onto the bed and sat on Bill's chest. "Trust me," I mumbled to the terrified nurse. I took a deep breath and placed my hands on the side of Bill's head, closing my eyes. His mind was like staring at a fuzzy tv. It was painful, but I could handle it.

I navigated my way through the static, trying to find the right channel. BILL I shouted, trying to find him. BILL IM RIGHT HERE. COME BACK TO ME. I spotted him sitting down surrounded by the static. He was blue with blood pouring from his eyes. I crouched in front of him. Bill, I know you're scared and poorly hurt, but I can help you. You cant leave Elias like this, so you have to fight. His bleeding slowed down at the sound of my voice, and his colour changed. The static started to clear little by little. "He's stabilizing. My Queen, whatever your doing is working." The voice of the doctor cut through. My hands started to heat up again, but I could control it somehow. I touched Bill's arm, and his body turned back to its regular shade, my hold warming him from the inside out. He smiled at me but never spoke a word, and soon my blue flames were roaring around us, clearing away the static and when it was calm, I came back to see Bill was sleeping peacefully. I climbed off of him and collapsed into the doctor's arms. "My Queen, are you alright?" I felt light-headed, but I think I'll be alright. "I'm okay. I need some electrolytes. The nurse opened a small fridge to her right and passed me a bottle of red liquid, and I drank it down and felt a little better. "How is he?" I asked, screwing the cap back on my drink. "He appears to be fine vitals are good, all back to normal, but he hasn't woken yet, but I have faith that he will." I believed that he did have that faith, and that's all I can hope for.

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