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"Okay, so the hard way," I heard Alex say.

I didn't hesitate and ran as far as I could from her, firing up my saber in the process.

A few villagers tried to attack me. I swung at them, not killing them, but injuring them with the burn of my saber. Mainly it was just self defense. I wanted to see if I could find Hux while the villagers were distracted.

I turned my head to see a small 12 year old boy who was with his father. I couldn't hear what was said, but the father handed him a knife and pointed to the direction where Alex was. The father ran off around the corner and I heard Alex and Kylo's sabers slash into someone. I saw the boy react, he could see what I couldn't see, and it must have been awful.

"PAPPA!!!" He screamed. Oh no.... did Alex...

The boy grabbed his knife and began to run around the corner. Right away, I went into mother mode. I realized it didn't matter why we were here. This boy just lost his dad and needed help. He was angry, and I knew he may get hurt from one of the troopers trying to kill Alex.

I ran after him around the corner, and I stopped at what I saw.

Alex had her saber through the boy's chest, and she was staring into her eyes. His eyes were full of shock, regret, and pain, while her eyes remorse...almost evil.

The boy dropped to the ground dead, dropping his knife. Alex's eyes trailed from the knife up to my eyes. I wasn't sure if I was even looking back. The bodies behind her.....women....even more children.....

Wh....what did she do.....

There was a ringing in my ears, I could see movement, but hear nothing. Alex ran to me grabbing my face. I think she was trying to talk to me. I don't know. My eyes went back down to the dead boy, I couldn't stop looking at him. I think I saw Alex's head look down to the boy too, but I don't know.

I felt her shaking me, but I wasn't responding. I was so numb, even my hearing was numb. I couldn't hear anything. That boy was someone's son...someone's Elias....and she killed him like it was nothing...

I could see Kylo's shadow coming up behind Alex, looking at me. I think he yelled at me to go somewhere, on the ship maybe? I couldn't hear him or move. Kylo's hand suddenly came up to my face. I felt the force knock me out, and I fell into Kylo's arms as he scooped me up.


I awoke in my bed back on the base, lying on my back. My eyes peered around the room. I was alone. I went to slowly sit up, my muscles aching. I was in a long sleeve grey shirt and black leggings. Alex must have changed me or something.

I continued looking around my room as if it was some foreign area to me. It was now. Everything was foreign, even Alex.

This war....this base....all this made her kill people. I knew she killed people but...seeing it....

Why would she kill a child....I mean...It was hard enough trying to understand her killing adults trying to fight her. The rebels didn't look as threatening as the First Order. A lot of the rebels had families, but on the base, Blake was the only child, and it was more...military here...

Something didn't feel right. I didn't feel safe here anymore. Where's Bill and Elias? I need them with me. Where I can see them.

I heard talking out my door so I leaned against it to listen. I heard Alex talking.

"What the fuck was she thinking....I told her not to be near me..."

For some reason, that line made me angry. She wasn't expressing any remorse over the boy. Her main concern was me not listening. What the actual fuck....

Your Hearts Desire Part 3 ( Final Part) Where stories live. Discover now