Are You Sure?

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I grew up in a city with both my parents, and being an only child. It was a cookie cutter life; with me going to school, coming home, eating dinner with both my parents, and laughing together. There was nothing different about me, I felt I blended in well with the other kids. We all had the same kind of lifestyle, and it was all I knew of the world at that time. It was when I met Alex that day on the playground during recess, that I began to learn that there was more to the world.
  When we started becoming closer, I learned she was adopted, and never knew her real parents. She was hoping to finally be settled with a family someday since she was still new with her adopted parents. I brought her home almost every day after school, my parents welcoming her into my home every time. She became a friend I really cared about and loved.

When she was shipped back to her foster home, I was sad, but my parents told me people leave your life sometimes, and that you just have to move on. I still thought about her every day. Eventually my parents became so annoyed that I was still missing her that they just began telling me to get over it, and that I didn't know her long enough to miss her this bad, but I knew I felt something for Alex, even though we didn't know each other long. Little did I know I would end up calling it the bond when I was older.
  I met her again in a diner when we were young adults. We recognized each other from when we used to hang out as kids, and I could feel the bond coming back. Our connection grew over time, and I knew we were meant to be. At this point in my life, my parents had retired and moved to Cuba together. I barely speak to them now since they live their own lives, but I didn't mind. After all, they were the ones who told me to just move on when someone leaves your life. Alex though, was the only person I couldn't move on from, ever.

  I knew she had powers at this point. I tried everything I could do to help her with them. With these powers though, I began to notice a dark side to her. She would make people who were mean to us suffer, and she seemed to enjoy it. It made me a little wary, even though I knew she would never hurt me. This was when my depression began to sink in.

  Seeing the dark side of Alex made me feel negative about everything in my life. That maybe  had no hope of pursuing my dreams. Maybe Alex's darkness showed me the truth of this world. That's when I tried to take my own life. I was found by my roommate, who came home a couple days early. I woke up in the hospital to see Alex, crying and holding my hand. Seeing her that way made me realize that she was still good, and there was some good in this world after all. My depression stayed, but having her in my life, and becoming my soul mate, was what gave me the strength to keep fighting.

  Looking back, everything makes sense now. She was meant to be dark, to rule the galaxy as the Supreme Leader's Queen, while I was meant to live on the light side. We had a powerful bond, and being on either side of the force seemed to keep it alive. Our bond saved our lives, from defeating a demon clown named Pennywise, to killing the First Order General Hux who tried to own Alex as his own.

  I never saw what Alex did as a Queen, and frankly, I did not want to know. I knew she killed people, but it was a different galaxy than what I was used to, with different morals. I had to respect it, even though it overwhelmed me at times. However, I knew her and Kylo loved Bill and I, and would never hurt us.


  I laid in bed, frozen with fear. It was happening again, and I didn't want it to happen. I was frightened, knowing what was about to happen.
  I struggled as I saw my arms and legs cuffed to my bed, my body making an X. I struggled, maybe this time, I could get out of this. I could stop it. An evil laughter though came from the corner of my room, forcing me to look, already anticipating what was there.
  General Hux was standing in the dark corner of my room, grinning to himself.
  "I love this view of you like this," he sneered. "So helpless to me, mine."
  I watched him in horror as he munched on the flesh that was Bill, blood coating his lips that were grinning the entire time. I tried to scream for help, but like always, my cries were muted. It was going to be the same thing again, and I wasn't looking forward to it.
  "My dear, Why don't you like our moments together?" Hux asked, tossing Bill aside and licking his fingers clean. "You know I would never hurt you,"
  "YOU HAVE!!" I screamed at him while restrained.
  He laughed to himself, "Oh yes, that's right. I still think about that you know. The way your body felt under mine. It didn't feel as good as Alex, but I'm some glad it happened. I'm more powerful now thanks to that."
  "You're dead!" I tried shouting at him, "You're not real!!!"
  Hux began walking over to me with two razor blades in his hands. He was about to do it. No...the part I dreaded most.
  "Am I?" He grinned, "Are you sure about that?"
  He brought the blades up to his face, and began slicing slits down either side. Blood poured out from his face as he repeated the question in a darker, sinister voice. A voice I knew too well.
  I watched in horror as the blades carved out the same shape of the lip lines that were on the face of Pennywise. Hux finished his sinister art and stared at me with now yellow eyes.
  "Are you sure, dollface?" He asked, and began to laugh hysterically.

  I sat up panting, sweating from the nightmare I was too familiar with. I looked around the bedroom, reassuring myself I was back in reality. No sign of Hux.
  To make sure I was awake, I turned my head. My husband Bill Skarsgard was sleeping next to me, unharmed. I wiped my forehead, looking at the clock. It was 5am. I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. I decided to throw on some warm clothes and sneak outside to clear my head.
  I swung my lightsaber around, slashing the snow beneath me and even some rocks nearby. Bill had asked me to stop cutting down trees whenever I wanted to practice in the backyard, so I made myself target the large rocks and old tires lying around. When my purple blade finished slicing one of the tires to bits, I decided that was enough and shut off my saber. I sat on the snowy ground for a moment, and closed my eyes, concentrating.
  It happened again Alex. I dreamt of him again. Have you been having nightmares too? I miss you... Please...please see me again soon...
  I opened my eyes, suddenly feeling better. I always felt better after sending a message to Alex using the bond. It's been 7 years since I was at her base. She came back to see me a year later for mine and Bill's wedding. We stayed in touch after, but I haven't seen her since.
  I suddenly heard the back door open and I looked up. I expected to see Bill, but instead, I heard a smaller voice.
  My 6 year old son, Elias Skarsgard, stepped outside with his little bunny slippers. He was rubbing his eyes, his long curly hair all messy with bed head.
"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry," I said, "Did I wake you up?"
  Elias nodded. I felt bad, getting up and walking over to him.
  "I'll stop playing outside so early if it's waking you up," I said to him, scooping him into my arms.
  "I want a sword too," he said, making me chuckle.
  "Not a chance," I said, "Come on now, let's get Daddy up and he can make us a big breakfast."
  "Yes please," Elias responded as I carried him back into the house.


  That night, I planned on putting Elias to bed early since he was up early. Bill played with him outside to make him tired, so he would be more willing to sleep, even though we never had a problem getting Elias to bed.
  "You better get your teeth brushed little man," Bill said to him as they came inside, "Or the tickle monster is going to get you!!"
  Elias screamed in laughter as Bill began to chase him to the bathroom, where he insisted he will brush his teeth. When I heard the water running, Bill came up to me and kissed me on the lips.
  "I look forward to having some alone time with you tonight," He said into my ear, making me a little aroused. I was so happy with where my life was. Despite the nightmares, I had everything I wanted right now. A wonderful family, and a best friend who still loved me from galaxies away.
  Bill went into the bedroom to wait for me while I walked Elias to his room. I was getting ready to tuck him into bed when he asked me a question I wasn't prepared for.
  "Mommy, is Auntie Alex real?"
  I stopped, looking at him, "Yes honey she is real. Why would you ask that?"
  He frowned, "I've just never seen her. You say she watches over me. That sounds like she's not real."
  "I say the same thing about Santa Claus and you believe he's real,"
  "That's different Mommy. There's proof he's real."
  I frowned.
  "Hey, I have proof. Be right back." I went to the storage room and got out our wedding album. I never showed Elias much from this album since he wasn't really into pictures yet that didn't have dinosaurs.
  I flipped open the book to a picture of Bill and I in our wedding outfits. Next to us was his best man, Kylo, and my maid of honor Alex.
  "See?" I said, snuggling up to him in his bed, "That's Alex, and that's Uncle Kylo."
  "Oh," he replied, "I want more pictures of them,"
  "This is the most recent one," I said, "I have more of Alex when we were kids. Tell you what, we can look at them tomorrow. Okay?"
  "Goodnight Elias,"
  "Why haven't I met them?"
  "Because they live far away alskling,"
  "Because they are a king and queen."
  "Do they love me?"
  "God natt, Elias."
  "Natt Mommy, Jag alskar dig."
  I kissed his forehead, and tucked him into bed. I turned off his light, and slowly shut the door, smiling as I did it.
  When I opened the door to my bedroom, I was surprised to find Bill already pleasing himself. He turned to look at me, like he didn't want to get caught.
  "Wh...What the fuck Bill?" I said, annoyed. "I thought we were gonna spend time together."
  Bill looked embaressed, "Oh, uh, it's were taking a long time and I thought you were with Elias. I didn't want to....make you feel rushed to come back."
  I crossed my arms, looking at him, "really?"
  "We can still do it," he insisted, beginning to sit up.
  "Oh no," I insisted, walking over to my drawer. I wanted to make Bill regret this, but dominantly. I pulled out the cuff Alex gave me 7 years ago when I needed to be cuffed to the bed while possessed by Pennywise (I'm scared he's not dead) and roughly pushed Bill back on the bed. I raised his arm, leaving the other one free, and roughly cuffed it to the bed.
  "Alskling?" He asked, confused.
I stepped back and stood in front of him. He stared at me with confusion. I motioned him to continue.
  "Well? Keep going," I ordered.
  Still confused, Bill slowly grabbed himself with his free hand, and began to slowly stroke. It did turn me on a little to see him pleasing himself while restrained. I was going to use this against him for sure.
  "You're gonna fuck yourself in front of me," I said. He nodded, understanding that I was in charge. I began to ran my hands along myself, teasing him.
  "You couldn't wait for this?" I said.
  "I wanted to, but I started thinking about you," he confessed.
  "What did you think about?"
  "You being on all fours in front of me, naked. I was fucking you from behind."
  I smirked, "Maybe you would slap my ass too?" I teased him by slapping myself.
  "Ja...and taking you hard." He said.
  "Stroke faster."
  He obeyed.
  "If you waited, I could have been in front of you right now. And I would be screaming your name, begging you not to stop."
  Bill started biting his lip. He was undressing me with his eyes. He knew he fucked up, and was being punished for it. His hands ran over himself faster and harder.
  "Now, apologize," I ordered.
  "I'm sorry," He mumbled.
  "Like you mean it!" I said.
  "I'm sorry!" he said, picking up his pace.
  "What do you call me?"
  "I'm sorry Mommy...I'm sorry Mommy!" He was close, his head tilting back.
  "You going to wait for me next time?"
  "Yes Mommy yes I will..."
  "Harder!!" I shouted.
  Bill stroked harder and cried out as his orgasm came. I watched him release all over his stomach. His breathing slowed down, and he lied there, calming down.
  "Oh my fuck..." he whispered. "Alskling, can you hand me a Kleenex?"
  I smirked, "Goodnight," and I went to the other side of the bed, ignoring him. I turned off the light and crawled into bed, leaving him a mess, and cuffed to the bed.

Your Hearts Desire Part 3 ( Final Part) Where stories live. Discover now