Farewell First Order

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I was cold, and starving. The hard, stone floor wasn't very comfortable to sleep on. But to be honest, I would rather take this, than be in a warm bed with that man, and to be in a comfy chamber with that bitch. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but I didn't care. All I knew for sure, was that somehow, I was going to take my family and get out of here.

The door to the holding cells wooshed open, and I heard footsteps approach my cell. I didn't look up, and kept staring at the wall.


It was Bill's voice. I turned my head to look at him. He looked very sad. He knelt down to the ground, so that we were closer to the same height.

"Marie...please....please stop this. Alex has agreed to let you out if you stop being this way."

I just stared at him, "You don't understand Bill. She killed a child. She does this all the time..."

Bill sighed, "I know. It's...hard to picture that. But she-"

"That's the thing Bill," I snapped, cutting him off, "It's hard for you to see it but you're not allowing yourself to see it. You don't want to believe she's a killer. But she is. Open your fucking eyes."

"Marie this is not planet Earth," Bill argued. "If this took place on our world, then yes, I would be siding with you one hundred percent. But this is a different galaxy, different politics. We don't know-"

"SHE KILLED A FUCKING CHILD!" I snapped, slamming the cell bars, making Bill jump back. My glass of water went flying, smashing into the wall, like Alex when she gets mad. He breathed heavily, trying to calm himself down. I was surprised I was able to do that.

"The bond did that...." said Bill, "See? Your bond. Think about that bond Marie."

"No," I said, "I can already feel it breaking. It's doing fucked up things right now because it's breaking."

"Marie....you wouldn't have that bond with a killer..." Bill said. I ignored him, he didn't know what he was talking about. He was already too brainwashed.

"There's no hope for you Bill...." I mumbled, "I'm going to have to do this on my own.."

He was silent for a moment, before he spoke, "....what are you saying Marie..."

I said nothing. I wasn't sure if I was even strong enough to say it. I turned my head away.

I saw Bill from the corner of my eye stand up, "I think you need more time Marie....I really don't like where your mind is heading."

He turned to leave, "I love you Marie. Please come around soon. I'll be waiting for you."

I never responded. I didn't even watch him leave the room.


I felt my body shake as I walked back to Kylo and Alex's quarters. I almost prayed Marie didn't mean what she said. I was scared, and frightened....

I sat on the couch. Both Alex and Kylo were gone, so I released the Nanny, saying I was home now for the day.

Elias walked over to me and I picked him up to sit on my lap.

"Is Mommy feeling better?"

I sighed, "No buddy....she's not..."

"Daddy....she's...not dying is she?"

"Oh geez, no buddy. No..." I said, holding him tighter to me. "It's... a different kind of sick. She's thinking very weird things."

"Like what?"

Your Hearts Desire Part 3 ( Final Part) Where stories live. Discover now