Greatest Christmas Gift

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"Alright, Daddy's turn!"
  Bill chuckled as he gently slid out the wooden block from the tower. Elias was giggling, hoping it would fall over. The tower began to slightly lean.
  "Oooohhhh...." Elias said with anticipation.
  "You trying to distract me boy?" Bill asked mocking a southern American accent. Elias started laughing. He always liked it when his actor dad did funny accents.
  Bill was halfway through pulling out the block when the tower toppled over.
  "JENGA!!" Elias and I yelled. Bill smirked and yanked Elias into his arms, kissing his forehead. Elias cracked up with laughter. There was suddenly a knock on the door.
  I stood up walking over. Christmas was soon, maybe it was Stellan, or one of Bill's brother's. Although we haven't seen them in a very long time. I opened the door, trying not to think too much about it.
  I froze as my eyes met the eyes of Alex. There was silence. It happened in a second, but time slowed down for me in that moment.
  "Merry Ch--" Alex began to say. She was cut off by my embrace. I began to choke and break down in tears as my face buried itself into her red hair. I could feel her holding me tightly. I even heard her beginning to cry. As I held her, she felt different. I couldn't figure out why, but I assumed maybe it was because I haven't touched her in seven years. Holy fucking years...
   I wanted to say something amazing to her since we haven't heard each other's voices in a while, but all I could choke out was "Fuck".
  She was able to let out a laugh through her crying.
  We finally pulled apart and I held her face. She looked older....which made me sad in a way. Geez...we were in our 20's last time we saw each other...
  "You're fucking here..." I said, wiping my eyes.
  She did the same, "I wanted to surprise you. I knew it was almost Christmas I wanted to see Earth again."
  Footsteps were coming up behind her, and I saw Kylo, holding a small child in his arms. The child smiled at me.
  My heart melted, "Oh my gosh....Blake..."
  Kylo smiled, looking at her, and pointing to me, "Who's that?"
  "A..auntie...Marie..." Blake said.
  "Oh my gosh, come here sweetie..." I said. Kylo handed her to me and I held her tightly. I knew about Blake but never got to see her with my own eyes, or even see a picture of her. She looked like a perfect mix of Kylo and Alex. I remember Alex wanting to be a mother....and losing her baby. I was so happy that she finally was able to have a child. I embraced Kylo with my free arm, making him laugh since I held him a little too tight.
  Our hug was broken up by the yelling of, "DUDE!!!" from Bill.
  Kylo let go of me and looked at Bill from the doorway, going into a fighting stance.
  "ALSKLING!!!" He yelled, holding out his arms.
  Bill started running towards him while yelling, "THAT'S THE WRONG WORD BUT I'LL TAKE IT!!"
  Bill tackled Kylo to the floor of the porch and they started play fighting. Alex and I watched them while I was holding Blake, then a small sound came from behind me.
  We both turned to see Elias, gazing up at Alex. He didn't move, and didn't seem excited. It made me worry a little.
  Alex knelt down to him, "Hi Elias honey. Yes it's me. Auntie Alex.."
  He didn't move, "You're a space queen, right?"
  Alex seemed thrown off at first, but finally answered, "Yes sweetheart...I'm the space queen..."
  There was nothing at first, then Elias suddenly burst out in a fit of giggles, and ran right into Alex's arms. She scooped him up, holding him on her hip.
  Elias gently touched her face, "I believed in you Alex. I've loved you my whooole life."
  I saw her melt at that comment.


  "We've been at intense war with the rebels since Blake was born," Alex explained to me as I brought her a glass of juice. Blake and Elias were on the floor playing. He was showing her his dinosaur toys, which I guess Blake didn't know what dinosaurs were. It was cute watching him teach her. Kylo was sitting upright on the couch while Bill's head rested on his lap, their fingers intertwining with each others.
  "It's just getting to be so much. We've been capturing so many rebels sometimes I spend hours torturing." She sighed.
  "Right..." I said, thinking about her harming other humans on purpose. I brushed it off, reminding myself that it's what she does.
  "So listen," Alex said, "I want you to come back to the base with us. All of you. Spend Christmas with us."
  I choked on my juice, "What?"
  "It's just so dull there right now, I want you there to show everyone what Christmas is,"
  I was amused at the thought of star killer base being filled with Christmas decorations, storm troopers dancing to "All I Want For Christmas Is You". I started laughing.
  "I'm serious Marie," Alex said, "Unless you have plans..."
  I looked over to Bill and Elias, "No, we don't....I haven't seen my family in years and Bill's family is too busy for us this year..."
  "Please?" Alex asked, "At least talk to Bill about it."
  "Sure," I said.


  "Star killer base on Christmas? That's new," said Bill while we talked in the kitchen.
  "I know, it freaks me out a little," I said, "But I also like the thought of it. I have felt more...cheerful when Alex and I used to have it together."
  Bill tried a wine glass and put it back in the cabinet, "Then I think we should go,"
  "You think?" I asked.
  "Yeah, Elias is still too young to know anyone else well. I'm sure he would love to go see the base."
  "But...they're at war..." I grew concerned.
  "Marie, they seem to be able to raise Blake just fine. I'm sure Elias will be safe. We'll be with the most protected couple. And he also has his own parents."
  "Yeah, true," I said.
  Bill took my hands in his, "Besides, with no family members able to look after Elias, we haven't been able to have much alone time. I think Kylo and Alex could use some time together too. We can look after each other's kids while the others...get know..."
  He lightly ran the tip of his tongue on my neck, tickling me. I giggled.


  "I'm glad you're agreeing to come," said Alex as we crawled into bed. Alex and I wanted to sleep together so we took the master bedroom. Kylo and Bill were going to stay up and have some "guy time" or whatever, and the kids were fast asleep.
  "Yeah, me too," I said. "Hey....have you been having...those nightmares?"
  Alex shrugged, "Not recently, but your dream is making me think for sure...we did kill Hux though.."
  "Did we?" I asked, not sure if I believe it.
  "I mean, I don't understand how he would have gotten out of that cabin alive," Alex replied. "I think you're just over thinking Marie."
  "I think you're right, or are you....I don't know anymore," I joked. She laughed, slapping my arm.
  "I missed the arm slaps," I said, laughing.
  We laid down on our sides, facing each other.
  "Alex, Blake is perfect," I said.
  She smiled, "She is. Elias is amazing too. I'm proud of you Marie."
  "Want to entertain the kids tomorrow and have some saber training?"
  She grinned, "Fuck yes,"
  "Hey," I said, "Careful, we have kids now,"
  Our hands linked together as she said, "We sure do..."
  We fell asleep in that position, dreaming about our perfect lives.

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