I'll Make It Better

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I was sitting outside, enjoying fresh air when all the ships began coming in at once. Horns started blowing, and people started cheering. It startled me.

A rebel ran out of the cave past me, "Hey! What's happening??" I asked.

She turned, smiling, "We just attacked the star killer base! We were able to damage them pretty good! This calls for a celebration!"

"Celebration?" I said, confused, "Didn't people die?"

"Not as much this time," she replied, "Which is amazing!" She ran down to the loading dock, still very happy. I stood up and decided to follow.

Everyone was hugging and screaming for joy. It was crowded. I just looked around, watching. Was the First Order worse than I thought? Why were they celebrating this hard? They lost members of their team. I didn't....

A wave of energy just hit me like a wall.

I froze, and for a moment, I could see through Alex's eyes.

Her quarters were destroyed. Ice was everywhere. She was covered in blue flames, yet it wasn't hurting her. It was her power....it was the bond. Just like how the bond gave me lightening, she had flames...

I saw Bill floating in space, lifeless, her flaming arm was reached out to him....


No words at all. My husband was lifeless. He was...

Bill was dead.

I fell to my knees as everyone cheered around me, mouth hung open, pain in my throat, and my chest tightening. I couldn't stop staring. I only felt one emotion from her: anger.

She killed him. Alex killed my husband.

The vision faded, and I was left alone as people continued cheering around me. Hux must have spotted me across the dock, because I suddenly felt him lifting me back on my feet. He was speaking to me, but I heard nothing. He was leading me back to his chambers, more like dragging, since I could barely walk.

We got to his room and he sat me down on his bed. I started hearing him.

"Marie...talk to me....Marie love..."

He took my chin and turned my face towards his, gently.

"H...he's dead..." was all I could say, "Bill...."

Hux looked really sympathetic, "Alex killed him, didn't he...you saw it..."

My head was able to do a small nod.

"Oh Marie..." he said, and pulled my head into his chest. "I'm so sorry....she betrayed you...that awful woman. She will pay for what she has done to you,"

I only responded with a sob, which he continued to hold me.


I must have slept for about a day and a half. I woke up on my sleeping bag with some extra pillows. I sat up, thinking everything was just a nightmare. Then I realized the reality, where I continued to sob again, alone this time. What was I thinking? I should have forced Bill and Elias to come with me. Bill would still be alive. Now she was either going to kill my son, or make him her own. I never thought in my wildest thoughts, that Alex would ever sink this low, and get this dark. She was more than a murderer. She was a monster.

I sat in the eating area alone, eating nothing. I saw Hux eating with the other superiors. I found myself wanting him to hold me again. He was good at comforting me last time, and I needed to be held again. By someone, anyone.

Your Hearts Desire Part 3 ( Final Part) Where stories live. Discover now