A Complication

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Elias was such a cute kid. He was bright like his mother and handsome like his father. It was so happy I got the chance to meet him. I was afraid I wouldn't live to see tomorrow, let alone see Marie and Bill again. I wouldn't waste this opportunity for anything, not even the fate of the galaxy. I can always come home to earth, I thought, laughing to myself.

I decided to wake early that morning to surprise everyone with breakfast. I wanted to let Marie and Bill sleep, so I snuck into Elias's room, where he and Blake slept. "Hey, kiddies. Wake up and come help me make breakfast for everyone." I whispered, tapping them on the back. They brushed the sleep from their eyes, and excitedly followed me to the kitchen. "Mommy never lets me help with cooking." I smiled and kneeled to whisper. "I'm not mommy, am I? I'm fun, auntie Alex." Blake tilted her head. "You're my mommy." I brushed her curls behind her ears. "Yes, I am baby. Now, let's scoot these boots to the kitchen."

The kids were actually a lot of help. They set the table and managed to pour some juice without spilling it. Elias and Blake helped clean some strawberries and put them on the table. While I scrambled eggs, cooked bacon, and flipped pancakes. When everything was in the warmer, I huddled up with the kids. "Now, you two have the most important job." They both became as serious as children can be. "Go upstairs and wake them up. Don't leave until they come down." They ran upstairs, giggling.

I put a fresh pot of coffee on the table and got the kid's plates ready. Soon they all came downstairs. The kids were very excited. The adults were blurry-eyed and ready for coffee. "What's all this, you guys?" Marie asked, sitting down at the table. "We made breakfast, mommy." Elias climbed up into his seat next to his mother. I untied my apron, and Kylo kissed me on the cheek. "Good morning, baby." The kids giggled. I kissed him back and made faces at them. Making them laugh even more. We all sat down at the table and dished out breakfast.

"That was so good, mommy," Blake said, eating the last strawberry from her plate. Bill and Kylo started clearing the dishes. "We got this," Bill said. "You guys go catch up." I patted him on the shoulder and looked at Marie and the kids. "Hey, you wanna show the kids how we used to play." Their eyes lit up, and Marie laughed. "I'll meet you outside in 5 minutes." I bolted up the stairs and grabbed my saber.


We had been at it for an hour or so, and the kids lost interest after the first 10 minutes. I kicked Marie to the ground, and she coughed. "You've improved a great deal in the last few years." She scoffed and tried to throw a snowball at me, which I dodged. "Could have fooled me." I helped her up, and she brushed the snow off her pants. "It's not your fault. I do this almost every day." I grinned, and we turned off our sabers. "I think that's enough of a workout for today."

Marie mumbled as we walked back into the house. "Come on, kids. I'll make you some hot chocolate."

Marie and I sat down on the couch to talk while Kylo and Bill took the kids to a nearby mall to meet Santa. "I'm thrilled you guys decided to come. It's hell at home. We could use some Christmas cheer. The rebels are moving full force, giving us hardly any time to breathe." She grabbed my hand in a comforting gesture. "I was afraid when you didn't answer me the other night that something had happened." I tried to hide my laugh and failed. "Why are you laughing? This is serious." She grinned and took a large sip of water.

"I'm sorry. It was just that..." She waited for me to finish. "Just that what." She pushed. "I was riding my husband's dick at the time." She spit her water across the coffee table, and I almost fell to the floor, laughing.

Kylo, Bill, and the kids came back in a little while later. "We need to pack. Guys, let's get it going." Blake wanted to help Elias pack, so Marie agreed to keep an eye on her while Kylo and I went for a walk to enjoy earth for a little before we left.

"I miss this sometimes." Kylo held my hand as we walked through the park, crunching the snow. "I miss seeing you and Marie together and happy. It's been a long time." We stopped and sat on a park bench. The sun was starting to go down. We made plans to leave in the morning, so we had only now to enjoy it. "Hey, I have a great idea." Kylo waited for me to speak. "Let's make out." He rolled his eyes and smirked. "Better yet, how about we go back to the house and kiss our daughter goodnight." It was my turn to roll my eyes. "Fine, but if I don't at least get a dick in my mouth tonight, I'll be angry." He gasped in mock shock. "Alex, you are such a dirty girl. You're supposed to be an example for our people." I kissed him on the cheek and stood up. "Nah, I'm happy being your little slut instead. Now piggyback your Queen to the house. Her feet are cold."


This was our last night on earth. I had a great night with my husband and the rest of my family, and now he was resting beside me in a peaceful slumber. I cuddled close, about to lift his arm over me so I could get even closer when Kylo's datapad beeped on his side table. I usually wouldn't check it, but something in my mind told me I needed to look.

I waved my hand and brought the datapad to me and swiped, checking the recent message.

"Supreme Leader,

We would like to inform you that Former General Armitage Hux was spotted by a reliable source speaking to known rebel traitors on the planet Ithor inside the Cathor Hills. Our inside source has informed us that a small village of rebel scum is housing him."

I clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle the noise that escaped, almost dropping the datapad on my face. "Holy shit," I whispered.

I didn't sleep for the rest of the night, and when morning came, I was even more anxious than before. I have to tell Marie. Kylo rolled over and put his head on my chest. "Good morning, baby." He smiled, kissing me. I was numb to everything, and he noticed. "What's wrong?" I looked at his datapad, and he glanced, picking it up. He breezed over the message. I could feel the anger radiating off him. I sat catatonic as he sat up and pulled me into a hug. It all came back to me in a wave—the rape, losing my baby, and everything else he ever did to me. Silent tears fell down my cheeks. Kylo pulled away and wiped the tears from my face. "It's alright, baby girl. I won't let him touch you or Blake." When I didn't respond, he got out of bed. I heard him yell for Marie and Bill. A few minutes later, there were footsteps, and Marie sat down on the bed. "Alex, Hunny, what's going on." she gripped my hand, and a little spark went through me, dragging me screaming from my mind. "He's alive, Marie...He's alive." I didn't have to say anything more, and she knew exactly what I meant. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close. Her energy was healing; I could feel it. "Wow." Was all she said, holding me at arm's length.


We packed up the ship, ready to depart. It was a gloomy morning, and I was exhausted. "Mommy..." I stuffed some bags into the cargo space. "Mommy...Mommy." Marie passed me a bag of the gifts we had purchased and wrapped for the kids. "Mommy..." Blake grabbed on my pant leg. "WHAT. WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I screamed at my wit's end. I was tired and scared, and all these things were playing on a loop in my head. I instantly regretted yelling. "I'm...I'm sorry, mommy." She looked like she might cry. Marie looked me in the eyes sympathetic. "Hey, hun, how about Auntie Marie buckles you in? Elias is waiting, and he's a little nervous. Maybe you can help him out." Marie took Blake's hand and walked her inside the ship. I touched my hand to my forehead and sighed. Marie came back a minute later. "I'm a terrible mother." I cried. "Hey..You're not a terrible mother. It's a stressful situation for everyone is normal for you to snap. Do you think I've never snapped at Elias when I've had a bad day." I brushed my hair from my eyes. "It's not like I have an example of what a good parent should be. What if I turn out just like them." Bill and Kylo walked to the ship with a few more bags ready to leave. "Everyone ready?" Bill asked with a big smile on his face. "Yeah, give us a minute. Alex and I will be there in a second." They nodded and boarded the ship. When they were gone, Marie took my hands. "I know you haven't had the best childhood, but I know for a fact that is precisely why you're a great mother. You know what it's like to have a shitty mother, and that little girl loves you more than anything in the world, and so do we. You don't need a mother to learn to be one. You have me, and I won't let you be a bad mother. You'll always have me, Alex."

I hugged her tight, knowing inside she was right. We boarded the ship and soon took off. Elias was elated, wholly captivated by space, and when we pulled into the docking bay, the knights were waiting to escort us home. "Welcome back, Supreme Leaders and our little Princess Blake." 

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