A rainy night {Prologue}

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It was a rainy night in Xadia. It was dark and cold. You could only feel the little drops of water touching your face and the sound of mud while walking down in the forest. Not very pleasant, to be honest.

Two of the royal guards had a special mission to get a magical fruit named Aloxis. Callum, the son of the King and Queen of Katolis was sick and the only thing that needed more medicine was the fruit that is only growing in the forest Kerja.

"Why in the name of God does it have to be night and raining? It's so cold here...I think I am freezing." One of them complained.

"Calm down, Alex. We don't have much more until there. I think I am already seeing a bush full of them." Josh, the brunette stated, tired of the other's fusses.

"Then let's get over it already! I wanna go home!"

The knights were already in the bush and were about to pick some fruits until sounds got heard.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"



"SHUSH!! Listen."

The boys stopped. It was silent and you couldn't hear anything. The only sound you could hear was the drops of cold water falling on the watery mud. Suddenly you can hear the sound of someone crying.

"What's that?"

"I don't know...Maybe we should check." Says one of the guards while getting out their sword. The other one did the same.

They started getting closer and closer to the sound until they were a few steps away from it. They nodded and they told each other quietly that after 3 seconds they will attack.


The men jumped off their horses and pointed their swords out trying to find the person who was making the sound.

Alex looked forward:

"I think you might wanna see this."

The man looked in the direction that his mate was looking. They couldn't believe what they saw.

It was a basket that was moving.

The humans started making their way to the chest slowly.

"You open it!"

"No! You!"

"Why me?!"

"Because you heard the sound first!"

"Well, you saw the basket first so you open it!"

"Ugh fine..."

The knight opened the basket and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"So? What is it? A squirrel?A bird?"

"No, it is a child- Wait, how could you think a squirrel could cry that loud?"

"You don't want to know." He shivered.

The man that was close to the basket looked carefully, zooming his face more into the chest so he could see better.

"Wait did you just say that you found A CHILD?"

Alex froze for some seconds.


"...It isn't just a child, is a Moonshadow elf."

The duo decided that they will take the small kid to the palace and that King Harrow will decide what they will do with it.

~at the palace~

"Your majesty, we came with the fruit." says one of the guards.

"Ah, thank you, Alex and Josh! I am glad that you both came safe!" Says Harrow.

"Actually, we met someone on our trip."

"And who, exactly?" Says the king with a surprised face.

Josh took from his back a large light brown basket with a silver ribbon on it, making its way with it closer to the king.

"We found it in the forest, my lord, we think it was abandoned."

"And why do you dare to take a Moonshadow elf, one of the most powerful elves from Xadia, here in Katolis?" Says Horrow.

"We think that they would better fit here with the princes than their people. No one was there with it, it was raining and it was very cold. The child wouldn't survive much longer."

"Hmm, I see. I will decide what we will do with it tomorrow. For now, let the little one stay in Prince Callum's room. With supervision though. We must talk with them when they wake up. Until then, send a doctor to do a couple check-ups on them."

After what happened, Harrow came into his bedroom, his sight spotted his wife sitting on his bed reading a book.

"You look like someone hit you in the stomach-" Says the queen.

"Yeah, it was a pretty hard day..." He chuckled.

"What do you mean? The guards got the fruit, right? Callum is gonna be healthy in like three or four days!"

"Yeah, but they came with something else too."

Sarai stopped eating her jelly tarts for a second and looked at Harrow: "With what exactly?"

"With a child. With a Moonshadow elf child."

The woman's eyes went wide.

"With a what?"

"With a Moonshadow elf child."

"...do they have a family?"

"No, she was abandoned in the woods."

"How old is the kid?"

"We don't know yet. The doctor says that the child might be at least 2 years old and that she's a girl."

"....And what do you wanna do with her?"

"I don't know, I was wanting to hear your opinion."

"Well, I always wanted another kid. And she is the same age as Callum. So he can have someone to play with. What do you want, Harrow?"

"Well...the child is way too little to go back in the forest. And I am sure Callum would love to grow up with a friend. So she can grow up here, with us!"

"That's great! How are we gonna name her?" Says the queen, smiling.

"I was thinking of Adora maybe? Because she's ADORA-ble." replied Harrow, while laughing at his joke.

The queen laughed. "That sounds great."

A/N 927 words! Wow, I never wrote that much. XD Sorry if this chapter is short! I will try to make the next chapters longer! :D Cya soon!

I just want to clarify that Adora was very short until the age of seven when she had a big grow sprout. So yes, she fit pretty well in that basket that was LARGE

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