Chapter 11

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It was now morning, and the group was sleeping. The three siblings were under some big, spacious, and wide tree roots, Adora being in the middle, Ezran on the right with Bait as his pillow, and Callum on the left while Rayla was sleeping above them on the roots, her wrist not getting any better as the back of her palm was almost all covered in a deep purple, making her whimper while asleep. One thing that none of the children knew, is that someone was swiftly making their way toward them. That was if they wouldn't accidentally step on a stick, waking the lavender-eyed elf instantly up. Other than that, Adora let out a small groan but shortly got back into her peaceful state again. Rayla immediately got up, running in that direction. She swiftly moved behind trees and bushes until she found the proof of there possibly being a passing-by intruder. She got on one knee and picked one side of the small stick. The girl analyzed the evidence, but she didn't get to do that any soon since she was sadly interrupted instantly by a bush whose leaves were rustling. The elf took her swords out.

Thankfully it was just a little deer.

She put her weapons back in their place. She breathed heavily and kneeled, getting closer to it. "You scared me, you wee cutie." She offered her magenta-shaded palm so the baby deer can smell her, licking her wound. "Thanks, little one. But my hand's got a problem you can't lick away." The ex-assassin said.

The little animal ran away suddenly when it looked behind the girl.

"What's the matter?" The teenager asked. She quickly turned her head fast enough to realize that a net was coming toward her but didn't have enough time to react, getting caught.

A dark-skinned man with a scar on his left eyebrow came down from an unknown tree, a long chain with an anchor at the end of it in his hands, ready to be used.

"Never trapped an elf before. Easier than I thought." He said, smirking. He tossed the weapon to the ground, very close to the net, but Rayla swiftly escaped. She landed at a decent distance away from him, and took her blades out, prepared for the fight. The elf took off and jumped in the air, letting out a battle yell as the metal from both sides clashed.


Back at the sleeping place, Ezran and Adora already woke up, both of them yawning one after the other.

"Morning, Ez." She said with a drowsy smile as she blinked sleepily.

"Good morning, Addie."The ocean-blue-eyed murmured in the same state. Suddenly, the sister realized that their newfound friend of theirs wasn't there. "Where is Rayla?!" She jumped, inspecting the perimeter. The young boy got next to his older brother and shaken up him gently. "Callum? I think we're alone." The little brother said. Yet, no sign of him waking up.

"Finally...Oh, I've been waiting for this moment." The oldest sibling smiled in his sleep, holding in his left hand the rock-hard baguette.

"Callum, wake up!" The sister said, joining the two.

"Mmm. Your breath still smells like peanut butter." He beamed.

"Callum!" Ezran and Adora spoke louder this time, finally waking the oldest prince up. "What...what?" He murmured.

"Wake up! Rayla's missing." The freckled boy said.

"More like she ditched us." The freckled girl scoffed.

"Oh, no, did she take it?!" Callum let out, surprised.

"The egg's still right here." The child assured, taking out the magical egg.

The brother and sister sighed. "Okay, good." The emerald-eyed said. "You know, that still doesn't mean we can trust her."

"I couldn't agree more." The princess nodded.

𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 | Rayla x Fem. OC |Where stories live. Discover now