Chapter 17 (extra long)

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Back at the vet's workspace, the boys were now sitting along with the veterinary at a table, while the man served them tea, the youngest being in the middle and his brother on his left. "Tell me exactly what's going on." The grown-up calmly said.

"Well, uh..." Callum began, changing looks constantly with the freckled prince, which made the adult look back and forward at the two. "A friend of ours has a problem."

"Jofus." Ezran added with a smile.

"Your friend's name is Jofus?" The vet raised an eyebrow, adjusting his glasses.

"It's a real name." The blue-eyed spoke.

"Mmm-hmm. Yep." The chocolate-haired cut in, leaning on his elbow. "Real name. Our friend, Jofus, has an egg." He posed with his hands, trying to sound casual and more convincing. "An animal egg." He stammered, standing up from his chair. "He's been taking really good care of it. You know, keeping it warm, and safe...wrapped in blankets. Except one time he dropped it into an icy lake for several minutes." He cleared his throat, as the child looked rudely at him. "Anywho...."

"Uh, sorry, what was that?" The elder questioned.

"He dropped it into an icy lake." Ez repeated for his brother, looking judgingly at him with every word that came out.

"Joseph. Uh, Jofus. Jofus did. This was Jofus." The emerald-eyed stammered once again in error, grinning brightly.

"Right, of course. That sounds bad."

"Yeah. We're worried it's hurt. The egg is colder, and it doesn't glow like it used to." The teenager talked.

"Wait, a glowing egg?" The full-grown cut-in.

"Uh...yes?" The mage in training confirmed.

The man stood up. "Look, I can tell you have a real problem. I want to help, but I won't be able to unless you tell me what's really going on."

The brothers looked at each other, unsure.

Upon seeing that, he continued. "I promise you, I'm not going to get you in trouble." He put his hand to his chest.

The smaller boy thought about his words, his eyes visibly showing that he was troubled. "You can't tell anyone." He said.

"I won't, okay?" He swore. "But you need to trust me."

The darker-skin-toned sibling looked at the other and Cal sighed, yet he smiled after in approval. With his confirmation, Ezran put carefully his bag on the table and opened it, revealing The Dragon Queen's egg. The old man let out a gasp in surprise.


Adora's POV:

It's cold here. And it doesn't help that it's snowing. At all.

At this moment, the mustache guy seems to be fighting his inner thoughts. Why does he even want to attack us?

Oh well, I want warmth. Maybe after all of this, we can find a fireplace? That would be awesome. Sitting around the fire, blankets on, the egg being healthy once again, and Rayla's arm being all good.

What are Callum and Ezran doing right now? What about Bait? Are they all three healing the dragon egg right now?

Wait, what do even Bait's parents look like?

They're probably yellow. Or not?

Maybe his mother is the opposite of him. Very cuddly, smiley, and all of that. That would be adorable. Or maybe like him? Or maybe Bait takes after his father? Can animals be queer?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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